Chapter 91

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Violet's pov

After my workout, I went straight to my room and had a shower washing literally everything. It was probably the best shower I have ever had. Now I'm just sitting in the music room. I haven't actually played the piano since I first came here, it's weird you would think something that brings me comfort I would do more, I think maybe I don't play because it makes me think about my old life like I'm somehow back there living in hell every day.

Sitting on the seat I place my fingers on the keys not actually playing anything. I sit there for a couple of seconds before I sit properly on the seat and place my hands on the keys slowly playing the first thing that comes to mind.

It's slow at first, barely even recognizable but slowly I speed up before playing it how it's supposed to be played. The song is soothing, like finally finding peace after a life of hell.

When I finish playing the song I just sit there with my fingers still on the keys with my eyes staring straight ahead. It's the same thing I do every time I play, trying to stay in the peace I feel for that little bit longer.

"I didn't know you played" comes a voice from the doorway

Turning my head, I look in that direction seeing Theo standing at the door dressed in grey sweatpants and a tight white shirt. The shirt is so tight that you can see the outline of his abs.

"yeah, I'm surprised I actually remember how to play. I haven't played in two years" I explain looking back down at the keys

"Why did you stop" he asks while walking further into the room

"I don't really know, I guess I was just busy adjusting to my new life that I didn't have time or the energy" I look away from the keys looking towards Theo who is now standing about a feet away

"it makes sense, it must have been weird coming home not knowing anyone or anything around you. But you are far too good to stop playing" he comments while walking to the other side of the room, toward the window

"can you play anything?" I ask staring at him

"no, my family was more concerned with being able to talk to other mafias and gangs than being able to play something" Theo is still looking out of the window looking at whatever he can

"yeah, that's what I'm partly grateful for, not having to study different languages and learning to fight. It's not a great childhood" I say while looking at Theo's back

"My family and yours were good about still keeping our childhoods as normal as possible. Other mafias just say hell to childhoods and train their kids hard" Theo finally turns around looking at me with a small smile

"We should probably go join everyone downstairs before they come looking for us" I explain standing up from the seat and taking a couple of steps away from the piano

"True, I do not want to have another talking to by your family," Theo says in his English accent

"I'm sorry about them, I mean you helping us and you get bombarded by them" I make sure that he is actually looking at me when I'm speaking so he can see the empathy on my face

"no, I would do the same if I had a younger sister. They are merely being a good family" he explains before walking out of the room and down the hall with me behind him

When we get downstairs everyone is in the living room, at least the kids are, the parents are all in the dining room talking to each other. I sit down next to Alessandro and Ares who both notice that I walked in with Theo but I don't really care.

"so what are we doing" I ask them kind of confused

The TV is on but some of them are talking to each other about god knows what.

"We were originally just watching the game but that ended so now we are all just sitting here talking" Ares explains

"Why don't we play a game" I say rather loudly, stopping everyone from talking

"yeah sure, what game?" Aurelio asks looking at us

"Well I mean we don't really know each other that well so why not never have I ever" I ask looking over at Charles and Theo who are sitting together

They both shrug before looking at each other for a split second. Everyone else agrees so we all get into various positions so we can all see each other.

"mm never have I ever raced in an illegal race" Bruno asks going first

Pretty much everyone puts their hand up except me and Antonio.

"what how come you guys haven't raced before" Charles exclaims like it's the weirdest thing

"well I'm not allowed =, apparently I drive too fast while driving normally so adding a race" I explain while looking at Elijah, Alessandro and Lorenzo who were the ones to ban me

"I just haven't had the time" Antonio explains while shrugging

"oh never have I ever pissed myself laughing" Antonio my cousin says excitedly

Almost none of us raise our hands with Bruno and Antonio being the only ones raising their hands.

"your turn Charles" Theo says while smirking

"Okay uh, never have I ever went on a killing spree" Charles says nonchalantly

Everyone raises their hands except from Bruno Antonio and Ares. Everyone gives me side eyes but nobody actually says anything

"I know I broke the rules but hey I was sick of waiting for your asses to show up" I explain as simply as possible

"never have I ever been arrested and been held in a cell for more than 2 hours" Alex says breaking the silence

Everyone puts their hands up except for me and Ares and honestly im not surprised.

"why" I ask laughing a little, I know it should only take roughly 20 minutes for us to get free

"our parents were mad when we get busted for something so as a punishment they made all of us wait in two cells for three hours before making us find out way home" Elijah explains with a smile on his face too

"ha serves you right, I bet our parents would have been so mad especially with everyone getting caught" I laugh

"oh they were, we all had to do the dishes by hand for the next three weeks, and they made sure to make it they worst hell for three weeks" Theo explains smiling too

"what did you guys even do" I ask, they seriously had to do something terrible for that kind of punishment

"nothing you need to know about" Alessandro says sternly, telling everyone not to say anything

We keep play the game, going deeper and funnier until the parents call us for lunch. We all sit around the table giving brief smiles to each other when something at the table reminds us of the game. The parents notice and they question us but we all play it cool not really giving anything up.

Sure we are mafia kids so there are things normal parents wouldn't let their kids do and we do it everyday but even we have things our parents wouldn't let us do. 

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