Chapter 47

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Violet's pov

Walking into history I give the teacher a small smile and apologize for being late. quickly walking to the back of the class, I sit in my seat and open my book quickly writing what is on the board before he gets rid of it. The teacher doesn't say anything when I walk in he just looks at me, almost like he is too afraid to say anything.

Alex probably said something to him before he came and pushed me into the room. The teacher continues the class when he sees that I'm doing the work and soon the rest of the class gets back to working while writing down the work my mind wanders thinking if I should actually go and see him tomorrow.

It did sound like he really thought about this, I mean if we do this there is a very good chance that we get caught, but if we don't then we could still be friends and we could talk to each other without having to act like we hate each other or at least act like we are enemies all the time.

For the rest of the class I think of the pros and cons of going to Alex tomorrow. when the class finally ends I stop thinking about it and just head straight to art after almost running to my locker and then running away. Finally being in art is amazing, I haven't had the time to do any drawings at home because I have been preoccupied with the little amount of mafia work I do- which is just looking to see if we can find the traitor. It is taking a really long time, a lot longer than I thought it would but it does make sense I mean there are two really big mafias with literally thousands of people just for one of them.

Anyway walking into the art room I smile at the teacher and then walk to my desk getting straight into the drawing. The last time I was here we had to finish the assignment so now we are just drawing whatever we want. Most people are just sitting with friends and talking while drawing but for me and Sarah we just sit next to each other and focus on drawing only talking a little bit.

I like that about us, we don't feel the need to talk to each other when we are together we just enjoy each other's company and focus on other things. We never feel pressured to talk to each other like most people do with their friends.

It takes me a while to actually start drawing my mind not focusing on the drawing but on the thoughts inside my head. When I finally get my mind to ease just a little so I can actually draw my hand goes straight to work, losing myself in the strokes of my hand. It's almost like a trance that I get sucked into because the next thing I know Sarah is nudging me with her elbow looking down at her drawing.

"Does this look okay because to me it looks a little like a donkey" she says still looking down at her drawing, looking down at it I have to restrain myself from laughing

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"Does this look okay because to me it looks a little like a donkey" she says still looking down at her drawing, looking down at it I have to restrain myself from laughing

"If you make that line go more inwards almost like a circle I think it would be better" I explain trying my best not to say that the person does indeed look like a donkey

Sarah hums before looking over at mine, her eyes wide seeing what I drew.

"wow, damn girl I knew you could draw but I didn't know you were that fast as well" Sarah tries to keep her voice down knowing we are in class but you can definitely hear her at the front of the class

"Thanks, I guess I kind of just get lost in a trance and my brain does everything without me realising" I explain shrugging

"soo who is the guy" she says shimmying her shoulders "Don't tell me it's Alexander" she adds gasping

"There is no guy, just because I draw this doesn't mean there is a guy" I point to my drawing while looking at her

"there so it and his name is Alexander!!" she says shimmying her shoulders again but this time right next to me

"Have you forgotten that my brothers hate him and he hates them? So even if I did like him there is no way possible that I could do anything about it" I mention but this just seems to make the smile on her face grow

"you so like himmm!" she declares in a sing-songy type voice

"That's what you took from what I said" of course, the only she got from that was that I like him, that's the only answer for Sarah

"oh come on I see the way you look at him when you can feel his stares and the smiles you give him. And better yet I see the looks that he gives you especially when you aren't looking. He adores you, Violet, he looks at you like you are a fallen star. Hell he was even going to get into a fight with your whole family when they were dragging you out of school on Monday AND he did get into a fight with someone just because they were making you uncomfortable, so screw your family because you two deserve to at least give each other a shot" I have learnt very quickly that Sarah is a sap for romance and she will do whatever it takes to get people together

"Does he really look at me like that?" I try and say casually but fail because you can clearly hear the vulnerability in my voice

"yes he does and he would be a fool not to, look at you" her saying this makes me blush and look down

"fine I will find some way to at least talk to him" I whisper to her making her do little jumps in her seat with a massive smile

I didn't tell her about tomorrow because she is just going to tell me to go and I still don't know if I should or not, I mean if I go that means I sign up for a lot more than just one period with him and I don't know if I am ready for that or not, especially because right now my family is trying to find a traitor and I might as well be one if I start being friends with Alex again.

So for the rest of the lesson, I just go over the drawing to see if I can do something to make it better, which was pretty much nothing, so I just sat there looking at it and thinking.

Sighing in gratitude that it is finally lunch Sarah and I quickly drop our books off at our lockers and then head straight for the cafeteria, ready for a break from actually doing school work and also to eat.

Walking into the cafeteria the air was a little tense since everyone had seen me being practically shoved out of school on Monday and then we all missed yesterday, everyone has been talking about it and making speculations. Some were actually a little funny like apparently, I was sleeping with one of my teachers and then when my family found out they pulled me out of school and got the teacher fired, another one was they were seriously homophobic so when one of my cousins walked into the empty classroom I was in and saw me kissing Sarah they took me away from her.

But a couple of them were at least talking about the right person, like Alex and I were together as a couple, hiding it from both of our families and that's why Alex got into the fight with the jock and when I pulled him out of the classroom we went and had sex. Ultimately they will never know the real reason why I was pulled out of school but hearing the supposed reason is pretty fun.

And is also a plus because now most of the guys in school are not even looking at me when they see me they look away so quickly and then look at whoever is around that I'm friends with or is my family and when they see that nobody saw they release a huge breath.

There are those few guys that still think they are better than everyone else so if they try to make a move on me I would immediately want to date them, though only one guy has tried that today luckily nobody was around that might want to fight him and I just dealt with it myself like It should have happened in the first place.

. ☾ . 

Guys I just checked to see how many reads we have. 30000, thank you, guys, so much this makes me really happy.

please vote and comment. 

also another question, I'm starting to write ahead so there are two/three potential love interests for violet. Alex, Matias and then someone else that I can add

comment who you want 



someone else (comment name suggestions)

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