Chapter 31

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Violet's pov

Walking through the front door, I was exhausted. The day went fast at the worst times and so freakin slow at the wrong times. Ignoring that I kind of wanted some food I went up the never-ending staircase and went straight to my room.

Dumping my bag beside my door, I head straight for my bed and jump to get onto it, with my face smushed into the covers. As I get comfortable, I can hear slight laughter coming from my doorway, deciding to ignore it I just stay there laying in the most comfortable bed I have ever owned.

"Have you had a long day?" the voice of Elijah

"the longest day on earth" I say without moving my head, having my voice muffled

"Why don't you have a shower and come down for something to eat"

"I just want to sleep" I mumble, with my face still smushed into the covers

"Okay, I'll leave you to sleep" and with that he walks away, closing the door on his way out

And with that, I go to sleep for hopefully a peaceful sleep.

I wake up panting and covered in sweat, looking around my bed I try and find my phone. Looking everywhere I finally find it, turning it on it blinds me with how bright it is, turning the brightness down I look at the clock and my eyes almost fall out. It's 12, I slept for 9 hours. It was supposed to just be a small nap, not taking a whole freakin' sleep.

I'm drawn out of my ranting by my stomach growling, I stop what I'm doing and look down at my stomach in shock

"Well, that's a first" normally when my stomach is growling its because I haven't eaten in days and I'm so weak that I can barely stand and move around

Deciding to get some food, I grab my phone and put on the torch and then make my very long journey down the stairs to the kitchen.

Turning on the kitchen light I walk to the fridge first to see if there is any food in there, finding what looks like leftovers from dinner I take out the plate and put some into a bowl before putting the rest back in the fridge.

Not bothering to heat it up I grab the bowl and sit on one of the bar stools, I start eating it but soon get thirsty so I get up and grab a step stool that we got recently when they found out that I had to climb to get anything from the cupboards up top. Getting the cup I go back to the fridge and just get water not really in the mood for anything else.

While I'm eating I do a little dance in my seat, something I've noticed I do if I really like the food I'm eating. As I'm dancing in my seat I hear a cough coming from the doorway making me freeze. Looking up slightly I see three people standing in the doorway.

Alessandro, Elijah and Lorenzo and all standing there in their suits and just staring at me, I just stay still like a deer in headlights looking at them with wide eyes.

Seeing as I'm not moving they start moving, grabbing different things like glasses and alcohol, seeing as they're not telling me to go away I just continue eating, with them looking at me every couple of minutes. With everything they need they all come and sit down next to me, Lorenzo on my right and Alessandro and Elijah on the other side of us.

They start pouring drinks for themselves pretty much ignoring me. I've gotten more comfortable with them but we still haven't really bonded and I will never tell them about the shit I've gone through before I moved in here, there are just some things that I don't want anyone to know and my life before is defiantly one of them so if I can help it they will never know.

While they are drinking their drinks that start talking about work and other things to do with the mafia and legal businesses, I listen while still eating my food considering that I've barely eaten anything

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