Chapter 92

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violet's pov

it's been a couple of days now and everything seems to be going smoothly, we are still finding information about Ben Willow. Everything is still not really important but at least we are learning things about him.

Everyone is getting along, apparently, it reminds everyone of when we were younger, with everyone running around laughing.

Walking out of my room after having a shower and making my bed I walk down the hallway to Theo's room. seeing as I've been healing we've decided to only dress the wounds and change the bandaging every couple of days.

Knocking on the door quietly I wait until he comes to the door, which isn't long. Seeing as we have been going to him all this time I go straight to the seat we always use seeing all the things we need on the seat already.

It's almost like we have a routine, as soon as I'm sitting I take off my shirt and he goes straight to work, being very gentle afraid he's hurting me even after all this time. It's actually kind of sweet but not really necessary.

"so do you guys know when you're leaving for home yet" I ask trying to not have silence

"well, mother and father are actually thinking about moving back down here. Being here reminds them of when we were younger and spending all our time at your house. Charles would have to stay in England most of the time though, we don't want to move the whole mafia again" he confesses taking a pause cleaning my wounds when talking about Charles

"I'm sure if you do move down here again you will see each other often. I mean you guys do have a private jet" I say trying to add something good to it. I can see he doesn't like possibly being away from his brother

"yes, I guess. But nothing is going to happen right now. We still need to put the threat down" Theo sounds like he's almost clenching his teeth as he talks about Mikael

"What did he do to your family" I try asking as nice and sympathetic as I can

"um. Well, nothing as bad as what happened to you but he shot my mother and Charles years ago. We thought we sent him enough of a warning but I guess not" he has almost no emotion in his voice as he speaks almost like he is watching the moment all over again

"it's still bad" I say after turning around and touching his hand holding the cloth which seems to break him out of it

Theo simply smiles at me and then waits for me to turn around again so he can keep going. We don't talk as he keeps cleaning my wounds. I just sit there thinking.

It didn't take that long for him to finish, allowing me to put my shirt back on before helping him put everything away. Just before going over to his bedroom door to leave I face him, trying to not be awkward about it.

"Are you coming onto the base with everyone or staying here" I ask really trying to act casual

"I am going to stay here, I will be out of the way staying here" he explains having a small hint of a smile

Nodding I take a couple more steps towards the door before turning around again

"you know pretty much everyone else is going to be at the base except you and me "With that I walk out the door hearing a small British chuckle coming from his room

Instead of going back to my room, I head downstairs, straight into the dining room seeing almost everyone here except a couple of people who are probably still either asleep or getting ready. I immediately grab a plate and start putting food on my plate before sitting down and eating.

I talk with everyone as normal before leaving the dining room, putting my plate in the sink before heading upstairs into the library and grabbing the book that I'm still reading.

"Everyone has gone, so it's just us two" comes a voice from the door freaking me out

Looking up, Theo is standing in the doorway leaning against the doorframe, trying not to laugh from my reaction.

"make some noise next time" I say with my hand on my heart

"I did" he says shrugging walking over to the couch I'm sitting on and sitting next to me

"How did you know I was in here" I ask curiously

"you are here most of the time if you are not with your family" he explains like it is common knowledge

"and how did you know that" I ask with a small smirk

"my room is in the hallway, when I go to my room you're here" he explains also now having a smirk

"right" I say putting my book on my lap

"so what does Violet Costello deem interesting to read" Theo asks while gently grabbing the book off my lap

"if he had been with me" I answer even though he can see it for himself

"What is it about" he asks seeming very interested

"Autumn and Phineas (Finny), who were born a week apart, are neighbours. Their mothers are best friends, and they eat dinners and celebrate holidays as a family. Autumn and Finny were best friends throughout their childhood. However, a chance kiss in eighth grade alters their relationship. Autumn and Finny rarely interact outside of their "family" gatherings as the story follows them through their high school years. They each form their own social circles and have long-term dating relationships. Regardless, their childhood bond endures, and their attraction grows. Autumn is constantly thinking about Finny as she navigates high school, family issues, and depression. He's also always there for her when things get tough" I explain as much as I can without giving that much away

Instead of saying anything he opens the book to the very first page

"what are you doing" I ask laughing

"reading" is all he says

"Can you at least read it out loud" I ask and as soon as I finish he starts from the top again and reads out loud

So that's what we do all day. Me laying on the couch with him sitting up his arm along the back reading.

. ☾ . 

GUYS, I think I found the book I was talking about. I'm just going to read it to make sure it's the right one and if it is I'll tell you guys the name 

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