Chapter 38

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Violet's pov

Getting out of the shower I just change into simple sweats and a jumper, not feeling like wearing anything else. Looking at my face I have changed a lot since I've come here, I'm actually somewhat happy and I have friends that are allowed to come over and we don't have to worry about hiding. Hell, I can even eat normally, I look so different- fuller. Not just my face but my whole body I'm not as skinny as I was.

Snapping out of my little examination I make sure everything is fine before walking down the never-ending stairs and smelling the most amazing smell. Pepperoni pizza, I tried it for the first time last week and it was amazing. The first bit I took I accidentally moaned out loud and everyone stopped eating and just looked at me, I had to think fast because they were giving me questioning looks so I just said that the pizza is so much better here than it was back home and they took it and continued eating.

But seriously it is so good, I can't believe I have never had it before last week, I mean I would happily eat nothing else for the rest of my life. Walking into the dining room there are at least 10 boxes of pizza, all missing at least one piece, the rest of the guys sitting around on the chairs, we seem just have a bigger table and more chairs now making enough space for all of us to sit without being squished.

Now actually that I think about it we had this table out when all of the cousins and aunts and uncles came and it went right back to wherever it came from and was replaced with the normal one when they left.

Taking the seat next to Matias and Lorenzo, the rest of the guys are all eating and talking with each other like this is something they do all the time.

"why do they look like this is a regular thing for them" I ask leaning over to Lorenzo trying to be quiet

"because we used to do this almost once every two weeks, Xavier and Xander became friends with most of them when they were little and they have always been friends since" Lorenzo explains making me nod and sit back in my seat properly before getting two slices of pizza and starting to eat

We talk about mindless things while we eat. My family seems like they consider the guys family, it is one of the rare sightings that I can actually see the mask they all put up fall and they are fully comfortable.

Dinner lasted maybe an hour, after I forced all of my brothers not to go back to work and come watch a movie with us, they reluctantly agreed and we made our way over to the lounge room. We all sat down in any free spot mine being next to Matias and Alessandro.

"Okay what genre are we watching" Jake asks with the remote in his hand







All of the guys shout at once though we all pick up on Ashton saying Disney so we all stop practically yelling genres and look at him

"what they have good movies" he gives a shrug defending himself

"okay then so who about votes on horror?" Zaid says kind of ignoring Ashton now

"not horror" Alessandro says from next to me

"Why is the all-mighty Alessandro Costello scared of a horror movie?" Quinn asks with a big smirk

"no, but violet is" he says back with a look that tells them to just pick something else

"Okay then what about action" Jake says moving this along

Lorenzo, Xander, Xavier, Julian and Zaid raise their hands while the rest of us look at them

"what about Disney then" Ashton says still rooting for it

I raise my hand really not bothered by watching a Disney movie, the guys just look at me and Ashton and Jake just choose a random Disney movie, no one rejecting or saying anything. Leaving me and Ashton with small smiles on our faces. Turning my attention onto the movie I see that they have chosen tangled. I get comfortable and lean into Alessandro him putting his hand behind me so it was more comfortable and we just focus on the movie.

We watch movie after movie making sure that none of them was horror, which was honestly really sweet, it was now pretty late and I was really tired from everything that's happened today so I close my eyes and fall asleep, turning over and subconsciously turning into the chest of Matias.

Alessandro's pov

I have been watching Matias and violet together, I can tell that he has feelings for her but I'm not sure about violet, at times I think that she does but then at other times, it doesn't look like she does. But one thing is for sure, they are very close to each other they always somehow find each other and are next to each other, pretty much always talking like they have known each other their whole lives.

When violet turns over away from me and onto Matias's chest while she is falling asleep I do nothing but just stare at him and notice how he was a little shocked and doesn't know where to put his hands, he eventually puts his hand on her hip and just focuses back on the movie. I watch him for a couple more seconds before seeing that Elijah and Lorenzo are also looking at Matias, Lorenzo giving me death eyes and Elijah just smirking at him as he has also seen the way Matias is with our sister.

I know that he won't do anything now while he is with all of his friends and Violet's brothers so I don't worry that much and look back at the tv while still keeping an eye on him and where his hands are. I'll be damned if he does anything while she is asleep and doesn't know what he is doing.

. ☾ . 

i have changed violet's character info now it doesn't say she's a badass. I am just having trouble writing her to be the type of badass I wanted her to be.

my darling violetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें