Chapter 21

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Violet's pov

It's now the next day and my mind is still not fully understanding that my brother is the capo of a mafia and another is the second in command plus two of my cousins are the same. I'm pretty sure that my whole family does something for the two mafias.

But hey bright side at least I have an answer to why they all carry guns and there are so many guards everywhere we go.

But I don't know I kind of want to tell them that I know, I'm sure that grandpa already thinks I know and he didn't do anything to stop me so I think it's time, but I want to make it a whole ass entrance and be like so the mafia.

Anyway so after I finished getting ready, wearing only simple clothes, jeans and a shirt and making sure my whole body is covered I walk downstairs but quietly you know, you never know what you might overhear. Like now for instance.

"cosa diavolo faremo per fermare gli svedesi?" Lorenzo asks sounding very angry, justifiable since they killed our father and are now attacking us.

(cosa diavolo faremo per fermare gli svedesi?- what the hell are we going to do to stop the swedish?)

"Non lo so, non abbiamo pensato a come fermarli" Alessandro replys sound just as angry

(Non lo so, non abbiamo pensato a come fermarli- I don't know, we haven't thought of how to stop them)

How the hell have these guys run two mafias for this long and they are still alive.

Taking this as my entry I open the doors to the dining room where the whole family was, as soon as they see me they stop talking no one was moving.

"how in the hell have you guys been able to keep the business going" I say with confidence for the first time with my whole family.

"oh and I do mean the mafias" I add later with a little smile.

Everyone except grandpa has big eyes and is all still, no one not even breathing. Deciding to take it a step further just because it's fun watching my big intimidating family all worried and with their minds blown.

"cosa c'è che non va, non pensavo l'avrei scoperto così presto?" now I'm sure their minds are blown. I kind of want to take a picture, so I take a few steps back and take my phone out of my back pocket open it up and take a family photo.

(cosa c'è che non va, non pensavo l'avrei scoperto così presto?- what's wrong, didn't think I would find out so soon?)

This seems to snap out of their trance and they all just now stare at me, I look over to grandpa and he has a smile on my face and then next to him grandma seems to have a knowing smile on her face as well.

"was that good or what" I say laughing and looking at grandpa and grandma

"you know Italian?" Andrea asks, I just nod but they all look at me as if saying for me to explain.

"well what would you have done, you come to a brand new place where the people are like three times your size all carry guns and they seem kind of shady. Pretending I don't know the only other language they speak in front of you was my best bet. At least that way I could blackmail you if anything were to happen" I say like it's no big deal

Bruno then looks to our grandparents, "you knew, didn't you?" he asks with a small smile on his face

"well we're not as dumb as you are boy" grandpa says while chuckling.

"Anyway back to business, do you guys have any of the Swedish soldiers or whatever you wanna call them?" I ask trying to get the problem solved

"umm, we have two of them but they don't speak English" Elijah replies after hesitating and looking at Alessandro

"that's fine, I'm going to go change you guys should too and take me to whatever base they're at" I say with a wink, just as a turn around Xavier says something.

"You know about the bases?" I just chuckle

"Yes, I know about them, I know you have up to 33 but I'm sure you have more" I say turning around and walking out with them all still sitting there

"Move your asses" I say in kind of a joking tone but I'm being deathly serious just can't have them chasing my ass for saying that.

I quickly go through my wardrobe to find something that will still cover me but also will look like I hold so much power like the rest of my family.

It was kind of basic but I didn't want to ruin any clothes

And these were black so stains were harder tosee.

And these were black so stains were harder tosee

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(not including the bag)

Walking downstairs everyone is now dressed in suits or something that makes them look powerful.

"Are you sure about this?" Alessandro asks coming towards me

"I'm sure, it's the only way to take them down and I don't see you guys getting anywhere" I say with a reassuring smile.

We all get into different cars and head off to one of their bases, I sit there trying to think of how to get information from them.

I mean I've never done this before, I have only watched people interrogate other people when the tv was on, it seemed to be the only thing the wonderful people called my 'parents' would watch.

Next to me was Nicolo he was kind of quiet but I like it about him, leaning over to him I speak kind of quietly,

"Are they in the same room or in different ones?" I ask, this will help with trying to pick an interrogation way

"umm, I think they're in different rooms" he says after a moment thinking

"What are the rooms like?"

"their kind of standard, a chair bolted to the floor, most of the room is metal so it's kind of cold. There might be some blood too and overall it doesn't smell that good" he says, this honestly gives me the perfect scene to go off. It was actually kind of funny.

"Okay, thanks, can you make sure there is a bucket of water both cold and hot and a squirter" I say looking at him dead in the eyes, he just looks at me with a confused look, I get it I mean it's a weird thing to ask for.

"it will make sense when I get there" I say laughing a little.

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