Chapter 97

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Violet's pov

It's been a week since we got back from Spain, Mikael is safely now in a cell and is getting regular visits from everyone in the family. Except me. Alessandro says I can't see him for 10 days as a punishment for 'going somewhere unsafe when told not to', personally I think he just wants to have more time with him and he knows when I get in there Mikael isn't going to have much time left.

So instead of focusing on how many days I have until I can see him, I'm letting my body heal as much as it can so I am at full capacity for when I do see him so I can do the most damage I can.

Theo and his family are getting ready to go back to Britain in a couple of weeks and Alex and Alessandro are working out details so Alex can move back in with his family and still have help from Alessandro with the mafia, so overall it hasn't really been that hard to keep myself busy.

Antonio and his parents went back during the week promising that they would be back and they will be in touch with me, so most of my time before they left was spent with them. Part of me is relieved that I got to see him and his parents again but there is another part of me that worries, which is stupid because I know I have nothing to worry about.

Also through all of this chaos, we have found the perfect place for us to start building our house and we have basically drawn the plan already so the builders can start work straight away.

It's a little sad though because now that we are all going to be adults we won't have a need for most of the rooms we had at the old house so the new house is going to be smaller than the old one. but at least now we have space to do new things, like for one we are adding a gun range type room and we are also adding a bigger space for the gym knowing now that more people are going to be coming over to our house, which is why we are also adding live 5 more rooms.

Speaking of more people coming over since none of us kids have anything to do today we decided that it was finally time we actually invited over our friends. Everyone is currently still arriving but to the people who are here, Tye, Zaid, Noah and Will are all in the pool with mostly everyone else from my stupid family.

The one person I am so excited to see however is Sarah, I haven't seen her since before I got kidnapped and it just feels like we have gotten too far apart, I mean we used to hang out at least three times a week.

Knocking me out of my thoughts is the doorbell ringing, opening the door I immediately smile and run into Sarah, hugging the crap out of her. She hugs me back almost instantly and while to guys go inside and find everyone else we just stand there hugging each other.

It's a good minute before we pull away and walk inside closing the front door behind us, still standing really close to each other.

"so how was Italy, I know someone died and all but you got to go to Italy for like two months, tell me everything" she says almost jumping

"it was fine I guess, most of the time we were all inside with each other, you know the family had to get over the death but because I barely even knew them it was almost like a little vacation" I tell her hoping that doesn't sound too bad, plus I'm making this up so it's not like they're my actual thoughts

"did you see the sights?" Sarah asks as we walk into the backyard

"Yeah I mean we saw that arch thing in the middle of the road and some other things, apart from the arch thing it was very pretty. If we ever get the chance to go again you seriously need to come too" I tell her with a smile on my face

"I'll never say no to Italy" she says before we both start going sideways

We both stare at each other in shock before we both get wet and I mean we are fully covered and in a pond. It isn't until I come up for air that I realise we were pulled into the pool. In our clothes.

I immediately spin around once that thought sinks in. Everyone is stopped looking at the two of us trying not to laugh. Instead of being the mature adult I should be I start splashing all of them with water seeing as I don't know who actually pulled us in. Pretty quickly Sarah starts joining in as well and then suddenly we are all splashing each other with the water, trying not to laugh.

We all stay in the pool for about half an hour more before we decide to do something else, Sarah and I not really caring to get out and change into our swimmers just to get back in so we stay in our clothes.

Before Sarah and I can do anything though we need to go and change, because we are not going to sit in our wet clothes all day long.

Sarah and I take forever to actually find something to wear because we are so busy talking to each other, hell most of the time we were just sitting on the floor in my closet talking and once we finally do find something and change into it we continue to sit on the floor talking, mostly about Sarah's new boyfriend.

"so you're happy with him?" I ask looking her right in the eyes

"yes, so happy. Every time we see each other he gives me these little origami swans" Sarah responds with a dreamy smile on her face

"well before I approve I need to meet him" I say acting like a dad would to his child even with the little nod I picture them doing

"We both were planning to hang out on Monday next week, you could come along if you want" Sarah replies after a little laugh at me

"yeah just text me when and I'll be there" even if I have to stay away from Mikael for one more day

"We should probably join the boys now" Sarah suggests after looking at her phone

"I'm sure they haven't even noticed we were gone" I say but still stand up and walk out of my closet now with not sopping wet clothes

"I'm so glad you're back" Sarah declares while walking down the stairs

"I'm glad to be back" I smile looking back at her, with only a little bit of sadness in my eyes

"oh and before we get downstairs fully. The boys don't know I'm dating someone, after max cheating on me and all of the drama my family is very against me dating anytime soon" Sarah pulls me to a stop when we are halfway on the stairs

"it must be a little bit awkward for you with Alex around then" I state knowing how Max was one of Alex's friends

"no, not after he beat Max when he found out" Sarah shrugs going to take a step before I pull her back

"what do you mean Alex beat him, when?" I ask completely confused

"I don't know, all I know is when Alex found out what Max had done he went straight for Max. personally, I think he was doing it because he knew I was friends with you" Sarah responds with a smile on her face nudging me in the shoulder

Sarah keeps on walking down the stairs and I join her after a second, still trying to actually let it sink in even the possibility that Alex would protect someone simply because he knew they were my friend. 

. ☾ . 

ok so I know it's not super long but I'm trying to round off the book with everything coming together and we can't just have their friends drop off the planet. Also if you notice I don't write them interacting much because honestly I have no idea how to write something like that and it actually be good. so I just don't put it in

any way i hope you guys have an amazing day/night and if not I hope it gets better. 

also please try and vote and comment as much as you can

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