Chapter 69

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Violet's pov

It's loud. That is my first and only thought when I wake up, my eyes are still closed and I can't seem to open them, I just don't have enough energy. All I can do right now is listen to whatever the hell is going on right now.

It sounds a little like gunfire but way louder which means either my family has found me or someone else has found Mikael's base for someone they love. I'm just hoping that if it's the second they will let me leave instead of killing me. The sounds around me seem to stop just for a second a very small second before the raging continues.

Knowing I need to leave I gather all the energy I can possible musted and force my eyes to rip open. It takes a little bit for my eyes to be able to adjust to the bright light in the room. something I haven't seen in like a week.

Looking around the first thing I see is that I'm pretty sure there is a wall missing, instead of what I'm sure was an exit outside there is now just a huge hole, the whole wall has been ripped off. Looking around my heart stops, my family they are here. Finally.

Aunt Valentina and Aunt Aurora with Uncle Ricardo are all around me. Uncle Ricardo has his gun out shooting while Aunt Valentina and Aunt Aurora are putting pressure on my body, they both keep glancing at each other obviously very worried.

"I'm okay" I tell them slowly reaching for Aunt Valentina's arm

"your awake" they both gasp

Instead of responding I smile, and they both break out into bigger smiles of relief. Aunt Aurora goes over to Uncle Ricardo gently placing her hand on his shoulder, getting his attention he stops shooting and puts his gun down looking at her, instead of saying anything probably knowing it's hard to hear anything anyone says with how loud it is Aunt Aurora just looks at me.

Because of this Uncle Ricardo looks at me. A quick breath is released when he sees that I'm looking back at him, knowing that at least I'm alright enough to be awake and looking at people. Aunt Valentia goes over to the both of them and they exchange some words before Aunt Aurora and Valentina come back toward me. Both of them struggle to help me stand up but when I do we head toward Uncle Ricardo.

Uncle Ricardo slowly inches out shooting anyone he can that works for the Swedish mafia. As he slowly inches out we aren't far behind until we are right next to everyone else. We stop just behind Alessandro and Massimo, they both briefly stop to look at me and both of them have relief wash over their faces before they continue shooting.

We stay behind them not much longer as Uncle Ricardo is facing all of the Swedish shooting. Both aunts still have to help me to the point they are kind of just dragging me. We go slowly as we get to the back of the pack. We go past everyone I mean even grandpa and grandma are here, hell even James, Elijah and Alessandro's best friend is here and I've only seen him a handful of times over the three years I've been here.

All of the younger ones in the family are at the back with Grandpa and Grandma but even they are hitting people. There are our men scattered throughout all my family and friends some of them using their bodies to make it harder to shoot us.

As we finally get to the very back of everyone Aunt Valentina and Aurora open one of the doors on a vehicle and let me sit on the seat with my legs facing them.

Uncle Ricardo runs around to the back of the car, coming back seconds later with a big first aid kit, but more suited to stuff we would actually need like needles and thread.

Aunt Valentina being the closest to me goes to grab the needle and thread but I stop her.

"I can do it myself, you guys can go back if you want" I try to sound more like I normally do but it comes out kind of tired

"we're staying right here, Ricardo go back and help them will you" Aunt Aurora turns to him and gives him a nod before Uncle Ricardo is looking over me and running back into the fight

Grabbing the thread and needle myself I thread it up before starting to stitch a cut on my leg that is bleeding too much, it hurts a lot but trying to breathe properly is the only thing I can really do to make sure I do it properly and to make it hurt less.

I do the same thing with the other cuts on my body that are bleeding too much while Aunt Valentina and Aurora are putting antiseptic cream on them and then wrapping them up with bandages. We all work in silence except for the raging gunfire in the background and my heavy breathing.

It comes to the point where I now have to do my stomach but because I'm sitting my skin is not sitting right so carefully using both Aunt Valentina's and Aurora's arms for support I get down from the seat and stand on the ground. Lifting up my shirt I tuck what's left of it into my bra that way I won't have to worry about it falling when I'm in the middle of stitching.

When they can see my stomach they both audibly gasp, probably not expecting that much blood and the size of the cut on my stomach. At least they can't see my other faint scares are very noticeable scars because of the blood.

I know some people would find it weird that I've been with them now for three years and I still haven't told them but there is always some part of me wondering if when I do tell them they won't want me anymore, they will think that I'm broken and tell me to get out of their lives for forever.

It's stupid I know but whenever I get the courage to tell them that is all I can think about and my courage quickly dies and now it's been too long to tell them.

"Are you sure we can't do this one, it looks like its already painful enough you don't have to force yourself to do it when we can" Aunt Aurora says looking a little shocked and sympathetic

"no it's fine, I prefer to do it myself anyway" I reply more focused on my stomach than the conversation

It takes longer than all the other ones and Aunt Aurora was right it hurts like hell but finally, after some time, I've done it. I'm covered in sweat and I'm kind of exhausted but I continue standing. Forcing myself not to collapse on the ground.

They quickly apply some antiseptic and wrap my stomach with more bandages before helping me sit back down on the seat. Leaning my head against the headrest I close my eyes trying to get as much energy back as possible.

It would be stupid to fall asleep so while closing my eyes however tempted I am whenever I feel like I'm starting to fall asleep my eyes shoot open and take a scan of the area. Both aunt aurora and Valentia are watching me and every couple of seconds looking around making sure nothing happens. And every time they see my eyes shooting open they give a small sympathetic look. I'm pretty sure in movies or whatever when they get back their injured that was taken they leave with them immediately but something tells me they don't trust themselves enough to take us somewhere safe and not get into something bad on the way there.

Plus I don't think they would be able to think properly knowing their husbands and sons are in there fighting people knowing they could possibly lose their lives. Hell, even I couldn't think straight if we left.

So we sit here looking around constantly waiting for them to come running out here and telling us to get in the damn cars and leave. 

. ☾ . 

so this kind of sucks and is really short but I really haven't been into writing this and I wanted to give you guys at least something. 

I know some of you might be wondering why I'm breaking up her family coming and rescuing her and it's purely because I don't have enough time during the week to write the whole thing and then edit it and get it to you guys on time. 

It's also because I have no idea sometimes how to keep going so I end the chapter. like I've just done 

if you guys have any suggestions you want in the story tell me and ill see if I'm able to add them. 

I hope you guys are having a good day/ night and if not I hope it gets better 

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