Chapter 88

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Violet's pov

It's been a weird couple of hours. After talking with Alessandro and Ares we all went different ways, the boys went back to the conversations I pulled them from and I went up to the library where I have been for the past two hours.

I can hear people walking past talking to each other but nobody actually comes in. I've actually managed to get through almost most of my book, something that seemed to be able to take at least two days. I partly think it's so I don't have to think about this world. About the world where I now need to tell my family that I was abused.

I've been trying not to think about it too much but whenever I'm flipping the page or taking a second to just breathe in what I've read my mind always somehow goes to what I'm going to say, how it's going to go down.

It's not really helping either, I mean I don't know how much to share, do I show the photos of me in the hospital or do I just tell them in detail.

Snapping me out of my thoughts is a hand placed on my arm. Not expecting it I do the only thing a person would expect. I throw my book in the direction the hand is coming from before climbing backwards off the couch and taking a couple of steps back, all of which isn't very graceful.

"ow, what the hell was that for" the person says

Finally getting my bearings I look up to find Antonio standing in front of me clutching his nose looks like might be bleeding. A look of slight horror washes my face.

"crap I'm so sorry, you just snuck up on me, I did the first thing I could think of" I explain getting closer to him

"and the first thing you think of is to throw the rather large book at my head?" he questions not in anger or frustration but amusement, something he always did

"well it was in my hand" I shrug fighting a small smile

Seeing that the blood still looks like it's flowing I gently grab his unused hand and drag him out of the library and into my room, straight into the bathroom. I drop his hand when we get next to the sink bending down to get the first aid kit under the sink.

"here something in there should help with it" I say whilst hopping up onto the counter

"gee thanks, you throw a book at my head and then expect me to patch myself up" The one thing that I always find funny about Antonio he could say the most disgusting thing but it would sound just as dignified as him saying his name

"fine sit on the counter and I'll do it for you, you big baby" I gasped jumping down from the counter, feeling completely comfortable with him now

When he finally sits on the counter he's still just a tiny bit too tall for me to do anything properly even when I'm stepping on my tippy toes. Laughing Antonio doesn't say anything before grabbing me by the hips and switching us around so I'm back on the counter and he's standing in front of me.

Now seeing as we are roughly the same height I can finally do things properly.

Grabbing some of the pad things I put some of this cleaning liquid thing on it before gently wiping away at the blood that is now seemingly just sitting there.

"so, how have you been" I ask feeling like we should be talking

"I've been good, you know how I am. It has been really busy recently, I've gone on a lot of missions" he explains wincing slightly when I do it too hard

"What about you are you happy here" he asks almost straight after

"I don't think I could have found a better place. My family are amazing. When I first came here they were cold and some even a little mean but they soon turned into teddy bears" I say stopping wiping without even realising

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