Chapter 61

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Elijah's pov

After Alessandro got off the phone a wave of emotions ran over his face, anger, fear and guilt but it all ended with worry. Knowing that Alessandro didn't show emotions unless something with his family was happening we all stared in almost fear, waiting for him to tell us what was happening.

"We need to leave, the kids are under attack at the house. Masimo call for back up apparently we are going to need it" Alessandro rushes out heading toward the exit with all of us tailing behind

"Are they at the house" I ask being right behind Alessandro

"yes and they blew off our gate and are currently killing our men while the kids go into my room to get guns" Alessandro doesn't say anything else but that as we all get into our cars

As soon as we take off I call for a crap ton of backup, whoever was there heading straight for our house. Just as we were starting to speed home a black SUV stops right in Infront of us with two guys standing slightly behind the car. Looking closely they both have guns in their hands, but before I can say anything about it they have lifted their guns and were shooting at us, trying to break through our bulletproof glass.

Alessandro immediately goes down and grabs the gun behind his back, Lorenzo and I doing the same with Massimo, Leonardo and Francesco getting out of their car behind us and using our car for cover, now shooting at the two guys behind the car.

While they are distracted shooting at Massimo, Leonardo and Francesco I take it as an opportunity to wind my window down and start shooting the three people still inside their car, who look to be assembling something. It takes a couple of bullets to brake their glass but once I do Lorenzo winds his window down too and starts shooting at them with me. Alessandro not being able to do anything considering bullets are flying very close to the car from the two men and Massimo and Leonardo, Francesco being somewhere else.

It takes a little bit but Lorenzo and I finally kill the last person in the car at the same time the last guy outside drops dead too. Just as we are about to get out of the car to make sure everyone is okay and the people in front of us are really dead, another three cars surround us. One right next to the car blocking us and the other two making a sort of semi-circle. All shooting at us.

We just look at each other with a little bit of frustration, we need to get home and help the kids but these guys just keep coming, seemingly with a shit dun of bullets.

"oh come on!" we all hear Francesco yells from beside Alessandro's door, popping up so we can see just his head

Getting our focus back was the sound of a window cracking, searching around the car, looking at all of the windows finding it to be Lorenzo's window with a big crack almost going from the right top side to the left bottom side. Everything seems to stop for a second, everything slowing down, right before everything speeds up.

"get down" Alessandro and I both yell at the same time with me pushing Lorenzo to the floor of the car, going down myself

Right as Lorenzo lands on the floor glass goes all over him, cutting his hands a bit, Lorenzo is seemingly fine otherwise. We all change our chambers before getting into the right places to be able to shoot but not get shot. We all count to 3 in our heads before going up and shooting everyone we can. Killing at least three people.

"do we still have that grenade in the centre compartment?" I ask, the grenade suddenly popping into my mind

"no, I took it out after we got home" Alessandro replies, killing another person

Turning to look at Massimo I try and get his attention, after a little bit I finally do and he comes running over to me, looking slightly out of breath and concerned

my darling violetWhere stories live. Discover now