Chapter 93

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(it's a small-ish update but merryy christmassss!!!!)

Violet's pov

I'm woken up abruptly by the sound of pounding. not knowing where in the hell it is coming from I grab my phone from my bedside table quickly checking the time. 1 am I swear to god this better be something important.

Just in case it's something I need to be ready for I grab the knife in the top drawer, putting it into the waistband of my pants and then grabbing my gun checking to make sure I actually have a full clip.

Silently opening my door I peer into the hallway having my gun beside me at the ready to shoot if I need to, seeing nothing there but the sound is louder. Silently I continue making my way down the hallway wondering why the hell no one else is awake seeing as they normally wake up with me making food in the kitchen.

Getting to the stairs I pause listening really hard trying to see where the sound is coming from. Deciding just to make sure I make my way down the other hallway because I do not want to walk all the way down the stairs just to see that the sound wasn't downstairs.

I get all the way to the end of the hallway, the only two rooms here being used are Charles and Theo. I lean my ear against Theo's door first seeing as his is closer to me. There is nothing there, it's as silent as ever. Going over to Charles's door, I grab my gun and take off the safety before taking a deep breath and then burst into the room scanning it from right to left.

I immediately scream and turn around when I find what made the noise. I even screw my eyes shut wishing I could have never seen what I just saw.

Charles was on top of a woman with his bare butt facing right at me. Hearing me burst into the room and scream Charles and the women stop and one of them lets out a gasp. They must have quickly gotten dressed because suddenly there is a hand on my shoulder.

"Violet why are you in here with your gun" Charles asks gently seeing a slight blush covering his cheeks

"I thought you were getting attacked" I state kind of defensively drooping my head for a second

All Charles does is let out a small chuckle

"I assure you I am not in any danger" Charles says obviously trying not to laugh but I can still hear the humour in his voice

For the first time since entering the room, I look to the bed where the woman sits having Charles's shirt over her, looking at us with curiosity

"sorry" I mumble before turning toward the door but just before leaving I turn back around and see Charles still exactly where he was looking at me standing in the doorway

"Please keep it down next time" I say before fully walking out of the door

With that, I walk back to my room putting my gun on safety mode and putting back both my gun and knife before going back to sleep.

I wake up at 7 am, smelling breakfast ready and hearing everyone downstairs talking. Literally rolling out of bed I head straight for my closet finding something simple to wear before heading into the bathroom.

Having a much-needed shower to fully wake me up. Once finally done and in my clothes, I start doing my makeup.

(I felt it has been too long since having a pic of her fit

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(I felt it has been too long since having a pic of her fit. also just pretend that it covers her shoulders and most of her shoulder bones)

Once I'm fully ready with perfume sprayed and everything I head downstairs to feed my face. When I get there the very first thing I see is Charles who annoyingly is not only looking at me but also only has the only available seat next to him. Begrudgingly I sit next to him trying not to blush remembering what I walked in on last night.

I make it a full 10 minutes with no one noticing but it all crumbles down when Ares sitting in front of me asks

"what's wrong violet, normally you at least make a comment" and he doesn't try to whisper either so it draws all the attention of the kids in my direction, luckily the parents are all in a conversation and none of them looks over

"I'm afraid that is my fault. She walked in on me and a girl last night" Charles says in his British accent before I can say anything, immediately turning my cheeks red

Everyone makes some kind of noise either commenting on it or just making a gasp or trying not to laugh. Instead of looking up straight away, I keep looking down before gathering the courage to face everyone.

"how was I supposed to know that you were doing something definitely not for anyone's eyes" I say kind of offended

This makes a couple of them chuckle but it just turns my cheeks more red. Luckily I actually got ready before coming down here or else they would be making fun of me for going so red.

I quickly finish my food before putting my plate in the sink and hauling my ass all way up the stairs into the library.

It's about 5 minutes of me reading when I get interrupted again.

"I'm sorry about my brother, he doesn't seem to understand the trauma we face when walking in on him with someone" Theo says joking when he finishes

"oh no it's okay, really it was my fault I should have thought that he might have been.. busy" I explain trying to not say anything more embarrassing

Theo takes a seat next to me looking at the book in my hand

"Is that the new book we're reading" he asks, gently taking the book from my hand

"We huh? Was the last book that good" I ask with a small smile

Instead of responding Theo simply opens the book to the first page and starts reading out loud. While he is doing that I get comfy rearranging the pillows on the couch so I can lay down. 

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