Chapter 89

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Violet's pov

God, it's been a long day. After we all finished dinner we stayed there talking for a little bit, it was nice, it made me forget a little bit about the hectic day but then the stair that's been on me practically all night was back on me.

I could feel him watching me, not really paying attention to anything else. And it wasn't a nice stair either, I could feel the silent anger in his stair.

For the most part, I ignored it, simply thinking that I would talk to him about it later but when it became late and he was still staring at me with the same stair I got annoyed so as soon as it wouldn't be noticeable I left to go to my room, where I've been for the rest of the night.

It was around 8 pm when I left and it's currently 10:30 so far all I've done is have a shower and try to do some of the light work Alessandro actually allows me to do, although slowly but surely I've been taking a little bit more.

At first, it was just to see if I could do it but then I started taking it because the guys have enough work to worry about, if I can do the work then why shouldn't I help.

Im almost done too when my doorknob rattles, meaning someone is trying to open the door.

Getting into action right away, I grab all of the work I've been doing and shove it into the whole that I put in my matres. After making sure that my bed doesn't look weird I grab the gun from the top drawer of my bedside table and walk to right in front of my door but slightly to the side.

I do all of this in as little time as I can without making a sound and when I get to the door, they are still trying to get into my room.

As quick as I can I twist the lock so when they twist the doorkob not a second later they are so surprised they open the door and take a step into my room. I've got my gun ready to shoot until I see the person's face.

Alex. Alexander freaking Karlson.

Dropping the gun down to my side I release an angry breath. Stupid ass, first he stares at me all night then he makes me almost shoot him.

"what the hell are you doing?' I ask trying to keep as quiet as I can seeing as I know not everyone is asleep

"me? Why are you treating me like I'm a threat" he says gesturing to the gun

"well next time knock instead of just twisting the damn doorknob" I sigh checking the gun is on safety before chucking it onto my bed

"why the hell are you even answering your door like that and with a gun. You have three family mafia's guards out there plus all of them" he asks as his usual oblivious self or his now usual self

"Maybe next time you get kidnapped I'll come twist your doorknob not two weeks before you back" I reply sarcastically walking over to my bed

"I'm sorry, now thinking about it I can see your point" Alex sympathetically says before walking over to me on the bed

"so what was up with you at dinner?" I ask just wanting to get it out in the open

"nothing" he shortly replies getting up and walking over to my desk, picking up something random and almost inspecting it

"oh so it wasn't you burning holes in me the whole night" I say more than ask

"must have been the guy next to me" he says almost like he thinks I'm believing it

"And that was?" I ask seeing if he even was paying attention to his surroundings

"you have no idea" I say for him seeing as he wasn't answering, suddenly so interested in the item in his hands

my darling violetWhere stories live. Discover now