Chapter 23

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Violet's pov

"he's what?" I ask feeling a sudden rage, he's the reason I don't know my father, the reason I will never know him.

"He was the one that shot your father" grandpa say with the same rage as me.

Looking around the room everyone seems to be trying to either not yell, punch something or generally just not destroy the house.

"what are we going to do?" I ask not knowing a single thing about how to run a mafia or do anything like it

After spending hours trying to find a plan to get to Elias Karlsson, we finally got the groundwork going, it was a very complicated way but at least no one is dead in the end. Hopefully.

Leaving James at the other house, we got home after the little plan and we all searched the house for bugs. I went straight into my room, looking around everywhere the room, my bookshelves, my desk even my bathroom and walk-in closet.

There was nothing and just to make sure even half of the family checked my room, in the end, we found nothing which is kind of worse because that means that someone is regularly going to the Swedish and giving them information on us.

My brothers seem to think it's a guard here but I'm not sure, I don't think they would have access to information, I mean they can study us all they want but if they don't have information from the mafia, like our shipments it's nothing.

So now all of us get to have our own little game to try and find the mole, which I feel would be hard I mean they got passed, my whole family.

"Hey, do you guys have anyone that works in both mafias?" I ask thinking this will be easier to at least protect one mafia.

"We only have a couple, we like to keep it pretty separate, why?" Leonardo asks sounding very confused

"keep an eye on them, they already have information on one mafia we don't need it to be two" I say feeling very smart that no one knew where I was going with this

"none of them would do this, they are loyal to us" Amadeo says

"yet you would have said that yesterday with everyone wouldn't you? Just keep an eye on them in case it's one of them I'm not saying it is but you can't be sure"

When I look over the room some of them have a look of pride on their faces, I mean I know I'm just amazing.

"oh also can you guys give me access to all of the people to do with your mafia, even if you don't pay them if they have talked about it with you or if they have stepped foot onto one of the bases or in this house, or your know I want them on a piece of paper. Two categories, one you don't think it's them, then people you think it could be" I say and then I turn to Alessandro with a sweet smile to hopefully not get in trouble.

"I will be in your office on your computer" I say with a big smile at the end, walking toward the stairs I make it to the door of the dining room before I'm stopped

"wait have you been on the third floor?" Elijah asks sounding either like he thinks this will be funny or like I'm in slight trouble

"yes, yes I have. Also, you're kind of stupid to leave paperwork in an unlocked drawer with your computer open. If I wanted to I could be the mole" I say with an adorable smile at the end.

"when the hell did you go into my office?" Alessandro asks

"umm when you guys went to the base because it was being attacked. I got bored and I had said earlier that I would when everyone was out but that was taking too long. Plus it's your fault, kids rebel against the rule and you stuck a giant one on it." I say and then after adding

"don't go to the third floor, we work there and we have people over that work up there. it is just boring business stuff. Like if it was boring you wouldn't put a rule on it would you, I mean you practically asked me to go up there" after I finish my amazing interpretation of Alessandro most of the family is laughing, giving me the perfect time to leave and get started.

I wave to the family that isn't laughing, cough grandpa cough I head upstairs, heading straight into my room to get changed into something more comfortable than leather and jeans.

I just change into a simple jumper and sweatpants but they still look amazing together so it's fine if people see me.

Heading up the stairs to the third floor I feel like there is already someone here but I just keep walking thinking it's just one of my brother's workers.

Sitting down in Alessandro's chair is quite comfortable, I mean it should be considering he spends like all day in here doing work.

Opening the laptop I see that it's finally locked, I mean like yay that he has finally learnt to close It but not the time man, not the time.

Deciding I'm too lazy to walk all the way downstairs I just decide to call him on my phone.

(violet- Alessandro)

"heyyyyy can you come up here pleasee or send someone that knows your login"

"yeah sure, I will be there soon"

"okay thank you"

turning away from the laptop I just decide to go on my phone and go on tik tok, in the short amount of time I've had my phone I have become pretty fond of tik tok and I'm on it a little more than I probably should.

Alessandro finally comes in and unlocks the laptop after like 10 minutes, he was probably climbing the stairs at that time.

He comes straight over to me and unlocks the laptop but then he goes over to the couch and sits down pulling out some papers from who knows where and reading them

I just ignore him and go look in the folder that has contacts of people mafia-related, the same one I found when I was in here last

"hey quick question before you gave me my phone did you do anything to it?" I ask Alessandro remembering that I took photos with it

"yeah we just made sure we had firewalls on it, why?" he replies after a second

"because when I was in here I took some photos" I say being hesitant to say anything the closer to the end I get

"delete them please" Alessandro says more like demands. I mean I get it especially when we're in this situation

"yep I'll do it now" I say popping the 'p'

After deleting the photo I get back to work, first, I go through and put them on a list with two columns, likely and not likely. I go through everything I can, their bank statements, where they're going, who their family is. Of course, I got help from Alessandro which is why I'm sure he stayed.

After going through all of them on the kind of shortlist I have finally got them all sorted but I know that these aren't all of them and that there are probably hundreds.

"hey these people on here, why is it only them?" I ask, I've been wanting to know ever since I found it.

"They are just important people, people that help with things or people that owe us" he says not really looking up from the paper he was reading but glancing at me every so often.

"When was the last time any of them have been here or you've spoken to them?" I ask thinking about a way one of them could have done it.

"Ummm I spoke to one of them last week but he runs another mafia, we grew up together and he wouldn't do it. Then there was another one I asked for a favour the week before but both of them aren't in the country"

I just turn back to the laptop and continue working waiting for anything to turn up.

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