Chapter 72

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Violet's pov

Pulling into the driveway of our house is weird. Everything looks like it did before the attack but my brain still sees all the dead soldiers lying on the ground with blood pouring out of them. All the guards are new too, not a single face I recognise. All of them have stone-cold faces exactly how they are trained to be, how every mafia dons want their soldiers to be, but when I finally broke through all of the soldier's walls they had to put up, whenever I walked past them we would either talk or at least smile at each other.

All I see are new walls that have to be broken down and a sudden wave of exhaustion washes over me. It took years for me to do it and even then the last soldier I only just had gotten to loosen up.

When we park the car I don't even have enough time to take off my seatbelt when my door is opened and there is practically a line of everyone wanting to make sure I'm all good and don't need help.

"I can walk less than ten feet to get to the front door and I am perfectly capable of asking for help if I need any. Which I'm not saying I do" I say with a smile making sure everyone can hear me

Everyone makes room for me to get out of the car but none of them go far enough that if I stumble they won't be able to catch me. Shoving the closest people near me with a smile I walk a little faster so instead of being in the middle of everyone I am standing in front of everyone.

Everyone laughs a little at my pushing, probably just glad that I have enough energy to be pushing people around like I normally do.

Getting to the front door I just push it open, most of the time we lock it but knowing them when they finally found out where I was they rushed out of here not even thinking to lock the door.

Exactly like outside when I step into the foyer all I see are the dead bodies and blood everywhere, all over the floor and some blood on the walls. Stopping right in the foyer all I can do is look around, if I get pasted all the blood and dead bodies that I know aren't there anymore the house looks exactly the same.

What finally draws me out of just looking around is someone coming from the kitchen. Snapping my eyes to them I see a random boy that looks just a little older than I am. He doesn't even really pay attention to everyone behind me, his main focus was on me, not even what my body looked like he was just looking at my face, almost studying it.

"And you are?" I question making sure no emotion was in my voice or body

"Theo" the boy doesn't give anything else he just turns to Alessandro who is right next to me

"Thank you for all the help. Where are your parents I need to talk to them" That is all it takes for Theo to stop looking at me and turn his full attention to Sandro

"Yeah they are in the dining room with everyone else" Theo nods his head where the dining room is almost like it was his house and we were the guests

Nodding Alessandro heads in that direction with Massimo following taking that as my cue Aswell I head straight for the never-ending stairs, huffing just before taking my first step. God I can't wait to have a shower.

There are some quiet laughing behind me, meaning they heard me huffing. I don't bother turning around but I can feel their eyes on me more importantly I can feel Alex and Theo's eyes on me practically burning holes through me.

I take extra long taking a shower scrubbing my skin as hard as I could without aggravating the few stitches that hadn't opened or making myself bleed on the rare untouched parts. Washing my hair extra thoroughly as well. It's especially painful when water and soap get into the open wounds which is really the only thing that makes me hurry myself to get out of the shower.

my darling violetDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora