Chapter 41

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Violet's pov

Walking out of my room, my neck is all cleaned up with a Band-Aid over it but my mind is still a little confused about what happened downstairs, I mean I kind of get why they had to lie about will knowing but why the others but then I also get their point of me not believing it if everyone but will knew. I don't know all I know is that my brain Is hurting.

Deciding not to think about it anymore I just walk downstairs where everyone else is waiting and grab my bag, hugging all the brothers that don't go to school then walk out the door. The rest of the guys all doing to same except hugging the bro's.

We all get into different cars, me with Xander, Xavier, Ashton and Noah in one car. Jake, Julian, Tye, Quinn and will are in another car and Zaid riding one of the motorbikes that we have in the garage.

For some reason, the guys just love to race each other everywhere so as soon as they are all in a line they take off flying, zooming past all of the other cars with the people inside them looking at us like we were crazy, to be fair we were going 100 in a 15 zone so they might be.

With us going so fast we made the twenty-minute drive a five-minute drive with Zaid coming in first. as we all get out of our cars the people around us stare like usual and we all pay no attention to them. At first, I was really freaked out by them but now it's kind of just really annoying like they aren't gods and you see them pretty much every day I think you know what they look like already.

Anyway, while we are all getting out of the cars Zaid is leaning against the motorbike smirking looking mainly at Xavier and Jake who were both driving us here.

"Well look who decided to finally show up" Zaid smugly says still leaning on the bike

"yeah yeah, you only won because you could fit between every damn space there was

" Quinn says walking over to Zaid

"Sure it wouldn't have to do with the fact that I'm better than you guys" Zaid leans off the bike and meets Quinn in the middle

"how about we just go to class" I deter after hearing the bell ring

We all walk into school, heading to our lockers next to each other, pulling out my schedule I look for my first class of the day. Art, haha hell yeah one of my favourite subjects, it's going to be a good day.

Grabbing my pencil case and art book I shove my bag in my locker and start walking over to the art room, quickly turning around not too far from the guys I say 'later losers' with a smile and then turn back around and continue heading to class not waiting for a response.

Walking into the classroom I give the teacher a smile and head to my seat at the back of the room. This class is pretty chill I mean no one talks to me and the teacher lets me do whatever I want within reason.

Knowing that today is going to be like every other day I open my book and start doing whatever comes, blocking out everything around me.

It was probably a solid thirty minutes when I realised that the girl that sat at the table with us was sitting next to me. As if sensing that I was looking at her she stops what she was doing and looks at me giving me a smile.

"hey" she says not stopping smiling

"hi" I reply kind of awkwardly

"I'm Sarah"

"violet" I still reply a little awkwardly

"I know, I don't mean that in a creepy way, it's just you were the talk of the school when you first came here so everyone knows who you are" Sarah rambles on seemingly nervous

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