Chapter 77

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Violet's pov

So last night I decided that I could get up early today which in my case means being awakened at 5:30 am by the sound of my alarm.

Getting out of bed, after lying in bed for 5 minutes I grab a sports bra and some leggings with underwear walking into the bathroom to get changed.

Because I'm still healing, I can't do a lot of physical activity but because it's been a week I can do small things like walking on the treadmill and doing simple exercises like squats, lunges and a one-arm dumbbell.

It isn't long before I'm actually in the gym with headphones in walking on the treadmill. It kind of sucks because every move I make feels like my body is burning because of my wounds so I can't even run I have to walk, very slowly.

After 20 minutes of walking, I go over to the mats at the back of the room, taking one out and laying it down on the floor. I first start doing lunges but quickly stop after a couple of times not being able to handle the severe burning pain when doing it. Instead, I decide to do some one-arm dumbbell thingys. Grabbing the lightest weight we have I go back over to the mat dropping it on the floor before going over and grabbing a bench that is against the wall.

After struggling a little to get it over to the mat I finally have it sitting exactly where I need it and am putting my knee on the bench as well as my arm and picking up the dumbbell with the other.

It doesn't take long for my arm to start aching at the repetitive action, switching arms I do the exact same thing before the other side of my body starts aching. At this point, I've been in here for probably 40 minutes and I'm a little surprised no one has walked in here either looking for me or to just work out.

Putting the bench back with great difficulty as well as the mat I pick up a water bottle from the mini fridge in here as well as my phone before walking out of the gym.

Looking at my phone I see it's now 6:40 which means the older brothers should all be up probably doing work.

Instead of heading upstairs to shower and put more ointment on my wounds, I head to the kitchen, stopping for a second when I see the triplets all in there making food and laughing. I almost turn around and run back upstairs before any of them have a chance to see me, I realise I'm wearing long sleeves so they won't be able to see any of my wounds.

Taking a deep breath I take a step into the kitchen and keep walking until I'm sitting in a bar stool next to Aurelio and Alonzo with Amadeo cooking whatever it is he is cooking.

"Hey kiddo what are you doing up so early" Aurelio asks looking my way

"I was trying to work out a little, I don't want to just sit around now that my body is healing. The first week was enough for me to go crazy and we were pretty much at the bases all the time" I explain deciding to just ignore the kid comment

"I feel you, Back when I injured my stomach a while back I couldn't do anything but lay on the couch, I had to ask for help getting up and going to the toilet. It was hell" Alonzo says with sympathetic eyes

"Hey do you know when I will be able to see Sarah in person, I don't want her to worry and she is until she sees me in person apparently" I messaged her last week saying that we had to stay in Italy for a little bit longer but she is starting to get worried

"you can't see her until you are all healed up or at least mostly and can hide the rest. She doesn't know and you don't have a good excuse for why you look like this" Aurelio explains

"Right" I sigh "Also I only look like this because I was working out, normally I look freaking amazing" I say with extra Pazas getting up and walking to the entrance before stopping and finishing my sentences and then walking upstairs to shower and get changed

Walking all the way up the stairs that are also never-ending, it's a good time to think about anything I mean with my body in its current state I can't go up the stairs that fast so I take them slowly which leaves me ample time to think about anything and right now my brain is going over all the events from the last two weeks.

Finally making it to my room I go straight into my closet not taking a second to breathe and calm my heart rate. Grabbing the first set of clothes I see I head straight for the bathroom locking the door before turning on the shower and carefully stripping before stepping in.

. ☾ . 

okay, first I'm sorry if I got any of the exercise things wrong I know nothing about the terminology. 

also sorry this is really short but either the next chapter or the one after that one will be really long and actually have things happening in it. 

I hope you guys have a really good day/night and if not I hope it gets better 

Can you guys let me know if you like the pictures at the start, Do you want them in every chapter or just the special ones so you know when something is happening or do you not want them at all 

my darling violetWhere stories live. Discover now