Chapter 87

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Matteo's pov

"I'm telling you, man, she was covered from head to toe in scars. Most of them looked like they were old but they looked like they had been opened multiple times in different directions" I say as quietly as I can

"she would have told us, if she had scars let alone that many" Giuseppe says, trying to rationalise my thoughts

"they're probably just from when she was kidnapped" Gerardo tries to come up with another excuse but it is almost as bad as the thoughts I'm having so I just ignore him

"I'm telling you guys she is covered in them" I say getting a little more irritated

"who's covered in what?" Antonio asks coming to stand beside us

"Matteo thinks that when he went to check on Violet at the base she was covered in scars, old ones" Giuseppe reluctantly explains still keeping his voice low

"Are you sure?" Antonio asks looking at me

"I'm positive, it was bad man and they looked painful even to me" I explain looking slightly concerned but trying to mask it the best I can

"didn't you say Theo was with her?" Gerardo asks getting the attention back on him

"yeah, she said he was helping her with something on her back, I think one of her stitches opened or something" explaining I do a quick survey of the room, making sure nobody is close enough to hear

"who says she has wounds" Gerado says almost angrily

"Aunt Valentina said that she wasn't in the best shape when they found her, she was knocked out and her clothes were basically torn to shreds and she had blood all over her. Of course, she is going to have wounds" Antonio says looking angry as well

From the corner of my eye, I can see Violet walking into the room so I quickly shake my head and point with my head to the direction she is coming from. They all look and immediately we go in different directions joining in on different conversations.

"hey can you guys grab the drinks please" she asks looking at Xander and Xavier

"Why can't you grab it yourself" Xander says annoyed

"come on you guys know I don't like it in there, it's creepy as hell" Violet explains with puppy eyes

"finnee" they both drag out, getting up from the couch and walking into the room where we keep the drinks

"thank you!" she yells after them walking back into the kitchen

Once they are all out of the room I decide to actually join in on the conversation happening right in front of me.

Violet's pov

The movie finished a while ago but we are both still sitting here, slightly cuddling each other. I don't think either of us meant to but it just turned out that we are both most comfortable in this position and that happens to be slightly closer to each other than before.

Another movie has started playing but I don't think either of us is paying much attention to it, or at least I'm not. I'm thinking about what life would have been like if Alex and I stayed friends. If our families weren't enemies.

"Hey Violet can I talk to you" Theo asks from the entrance of the living room, drawing my attention away

"ah yeah sure" I say getting up from my seat and walking towards Theo

"thank you again, Alex" I say turning around to look at him, finding his eyes already on me

Seeing him nod slightly I walk to Theo following him into the hallway far enough that we aren't near anyone.

"I think I know why your cousins were looking at you strangely" he says giving nothing more than that

"well what is it" I ask seeing as he isn't saying anything else

"Just before lunch a bunch of them came to me and started asking questions about us. Like what I've been doing with you, why was I helping you with your back instead of one of them. Stuff like that, they even asked if you've said anything about anyone hurting you" he explains looking kind of concerned

"What did you say?" I ask going into slight panic mode

"I tried to keep it to as little as possible, I said that you had asked me to help with you back because you couldn't reach and that I have no idea if you were ever hurt, that we didn't talk when I was helping you" he shrugs looking around us for a second

"okay thank you for telling me" I say as I walk toward Ares who I can see sitting outside

I don't bother waiting for Theo to say or do anything, I'm not really in the mood for pleasantries and I kind of don't care right now.

Getting in Infront of him, Ares looks up obviously sensing someone in front of him and when he sees my face he stands up and starts walking to me. Seeing as everyone else is also out here I start walking into the house, giving a slight look to Alesandro letting him know he can come if he wants to, but also telling him nothing is magerly wrong.

We walk into the only place that I know is for sure empty. Alessandro's office. Walking in there I wait until Ares has closed the door before turning around and thinking of how to put everything into words.

I don't really get a chance to because Alessandro opens the door and walks in, shutting it behind him. He gives me a questioning look. And weirdly that Is exactly what I need to start talking

"they know, almost all of them. About my past I mean, with my stupid stepfather" I explain as emotionlessly as I can

"what do you mean" Ares asks confused

"All of them looking at me and shit. Theo and I were in the bathroom after the gym. We were stitching up some wounds that opened so my shirt was off, and Matteo walked in, he must have seen my body because Theo just told me he got questioned by them asking all these questions" I still try and keep my voice as emotionless as possible but you can hear the panic in my voice, which annoys me.

I thought I was over everything, I thought it didn't matter who knew and who cared.

"Okay well you have two options here, ignore it and wait until they ask you point blank or you just tell everyone. You can wait until everyone leaves if you want" Alessandro says in the most comforting voice he can

"I don't know what I want, god I thought it didn't matter anymore what you guys knew. I thought I was over this fear of you guys getting rid of me when you found out" I ramble not really talking to them anymore

"Hey, it's okay. You've gone through a lot so it's only natural for you to think something like that, but let me assure you. We will never let you go, you could burn down cities or kill a nun and we would still stand by you and love you exactly the same" Ares says coming down to kneel in front of me, getting my attention the minute he does

Hearing this I calm down a lot, actually hearing it being said is way different than just thinking it. It means more now that he has actually said it.

Taking a deep breath I focus on the things that I now need to do. I don't want to have to go through something like this again.

So I have to tell them.

. ☾ . 

I'm changing my username but have no idea what to change it too. pleaseeee give me some suggestions, I've been trying to change it for weeks but cant think of anything 

hope you guys have a good day/ night 

my darling violetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें