Chapter 51

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Violet's pov

It wasn't long after we dropped off Sarah that we were in kind of a sketchy area, I would be worried if I wasn't with people I trusted with my life. We were in some kind of woods, there were trees everywhere, and that was the only thing you could see except for the small dirt road we were driving on. I half expected that it would be woods for miles. It would be really peaceful driving around here, the only noises you could hear were the car and animals deep in the Forrest, mostly birds but every couple of minutes you could hear an owl almost like the owl was sleeping but it had its mouth open.

It wasn't long until we got to a wall full of vines, it was almost like a bush. Suddenly the wall starts moving like a garage door, opening up to a tunnel, a very long and dark tunnel. I look over to see Xander and Romeo completely calm and not bothered at all, deciding that if something like that had never happened before they would be freaking out.

The way the vines moved told me that they were real ones not just put there so they would hide at the door. The way the vines moved and the way they looked reminded me so much of the vines in tangled, where Flynn ridder found Rapunzel's tower.

Going through the tunnel it felt a lot like I was in the movie, nothing seemed natural but then everything was very real at the same time, almost like a movie was happening right now and I was in it or at least on the set.

Getting me out of my thoughts was the sudden amount of light that was right next to me. Looking in Infront there were lines of cars parked beside a massive building almost like a mansion. The building was dull but there were parts that were light like there was someone going around brightening a little bit of the place at a time.

Getting out of the car felt weird it felt like I wasn't supposed to be here, turning my head I face both Xander and Romeo to see them standing next to each other and looking at me, almost waiting for me to make the first move.

"why aren't we at the other base?" I ask scrunching my face with confusion

"this isn't Alessandro's bass, it's Massimo's. when we found out that there was a traitor we moved everyone out of this one and when we clear someone we move them to work here, this way we won't have to worry about the traitor knowing anything they shouldn't" Romeo explains shrugging

"right" I mumble walking to the front of the car and stopping Infront of it.

I wait until the boys go next to me to start walking, not sure where to go and what to do. Once we get to the front door, Romeo pulls out a key and unlocks the door. Walking through the door you were immediately in the middle of everything happening. There were rows and rows of computers with big meeting desks here and there and there were men and women everywhere.

None of them was looking us in the eye, they never even stopped working, some only halted for a slight second and then went on with what they were doing, Romeo took the lead and started walking to the stairs that were on the side, walking up the stairs I kept looking down at all of the people and the computers.

I could see on a couple of them was security footage, others were writing but most of the I couldn't see. By the time we got to the second floor, I hadn't even given a look at my surroundings too focused on what was happening on the first floor.

Finally looking up I held my breath, it was a massive area with people in workout clothes or just clothes that stick to your body, it was like the scene out of black widow with all of the widows doing those moves, except not everyone was doing the same thing most people looked like they were still learning with someone who was teaching them but some of them were actually pretty good.

As Romeo and Xander kept walking I stayed still and just took in what I was seeing, it was amazing for some reason, I loved watching how everyone was moving, and how they were fighting.

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