Chapter 94

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Violet's pov

For the past three days all Theo and I do in our spare time is reading, well more like him reading most of the time while I listen, there have only been a couple of times where I have read purely because it's so calming when he reads. Like being on a balcony watching the waves in the sea and everything around you is quiet so it's just you and the sea.

I think everyone might be getting the wrong idea of what we're doing considering all anyone actually knows is we're spending our time together. Normally my family wouldn't even let us spend time together but I think it is because it's Theo's family, they know he or his family wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

Right now however we have all been forced to come onto the base. All anyone has been told is that it's important and everyone has to be here. So we are all currently sitting around the table waiting for Alessandro to show his face and tell us why we all had to come down here at 7 in the morning.

"where the hell is he" groans Nicolo with his hand on the table

"he wants to make us all kill each other, he's waiting for bodies to start dropping" Romeo responds sitting in his chair like a child would at school

Before anyone can do anything Alessandro finally walks through the door with James and Alexander the guy from Alessandro's office. Not the one sitting at the table with everyone.

Everyone immediately knows that shit is serious because of well their faces but also because Alexander and James have rarely even been in a meeting together unless it was a big operation.

"We have found Mikael hiding in Spain" is all Alessandro says

"how" is all Ares says barely even using his voice but somehow manages to reach Alessandro

"I asked James if he could take a small break from looking through Ben's life and see if he could find Mikael turns out wasn't that hard when he only has two men with him" Alessandro explains

"well what are we still doing here" Xander almost yells standing up

"We are having the jet prepped but we all need to get ready, we need to find an exit and entry strategy, we need to make sure everyone can get in and out quietly considering we will be in the Spanish's territory. I know we are all itching to kill him but we need to think clearly" Alessandro immediately takes on his parental tone

With that being said I think all of us are thinking straight, actually thinking about everything that needs to be done instead of just wanting to get in there and kill him.

"how long do we have" I ask speaking for the first time since coming into the room

"We leave in two hours and will be gone for three days so pack a bag" he explains before going over to the whiteboard in the corner

With that we split into groups all doing different things some doing the exit strategy some doing the entrance one, some going out to get us all weapons and then there's me going between all of them. I've never actually seen how everything gets done. So now is my chance.

It only actually takes us an hour and a half to finish everything at the base so now we are all going back home grabbing anything we need. I grab whatever I think I'll need plus a little bit more because you never know what could happen.

Once I've grabbed all my clothes and toiletries I quickly change into something more comfortable considering I'll be on a plane for more than a couple of hours. 

(you know the drill, pretend the top reaches the top of her pants)

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(you know the drill, pretend the top reaches the top of her pants)

Grabbing the bag with everything in it I make my way back downstairs making sure I grab my headphones before leaving. Almost everyone is downstairs waiting for everyone to finish seeing as it's only been 15 minutes and most people are still packing. When finally everyone is here after another 10 minutes we all haul into the car, heading straight for the private airstrip, saying goodbye to Theo

The space is surrounded by guards, most of them are ours but some of them are the British. Even though Theo Charles and their parents are staying here they still said that they can borrow some of their men.

We all find a spot on the plane and once we are all settled and the bags are on the plane we take off ready for the 9-hour and 30-minute flight. Seeing as I don't really want to talk or go to sleep just yet I grab out my headphones playing music and reading on my phone, I can knock out a couple of hours at least.

It takes a little bit once we land for us to be able to actually get out of the plane. Only when the guards deem it safe are we allowed to finally leave the plane.

When we get out, it's night so we can't actually go kill Mikael now. Were all spending the night in a hotel close to the airstrip before moving to one of our hotels tomorrow. It kind of makes sense because the time in Spain currently is like 3 am and our closes hotel is 30 minutes away whether the one we are going to is only 5.

When we get there our guards have already made sure it's safe so we go straight to the penthouse claiming bedrooms before we have to sleep on the couch, considering not all of us will fit in the beds. Its times like these when I'm glad that I am the only girl in a long ass time because even though my family is rough with each other they are either too preoccupied with each other or they aren't as rough with me which gives me a perfect chance to get a good bed with Ares coming right behind me claiming the other side of the bed.

Seeing as I'm already in clothes that are sleepable I just brush my teeth, put my hair up and then get into bed, going straight to sleep.

Tomorrow is when everything begins and when my past finally ends 

. ☾ . 

I'm so sorry that I'm like four days late, I had covid and I was sleeping all day and I couldn't get my brain to focus long enough to write the chapter.

I hope you like this chapter. I'm starting to wrap up this book so get ready for an ending. 

there might be like 10 chapters left though because we all know I don't like to rush things in my chapters. 

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