Chapter 24

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Violet's pov

Deciding that I've done enough, I decided to just walk around the house and find something else to do because I'm done looking at everyone and seeing if they could be the mole.

Going to the second floor I can hear some of the guys in the games room, I start heading there but as I'm at the door I notice that there is another room right across from the games room. Deciding to see what it is I leave the games room door and walk quietly to the other door trying to hear if someone else was in there.

Getting to the door I can still not hear anything, deciding to just open the door and look around I take a deep breath and open the door walking in not actually looking at anything until my full body is in the room.

Preparing myself I open my eyes and gasp. The first thing I notice is the wall of books in Infront of me. Looking around I see this amazing library, it doesn't seem like many go in here if not any. This room seems kind of cold but looking around it looks beautiful.

There is a big couch that faces in a circle with the rest of the chairs and a table in the middle with the walls around all bookshelves, there is also another level with the wall the same as downstairs, there is only a walking space because the middle of the floor has gone so you can see downstairs.

In all honesty, it looks like it comes from one of these Disney movies. We watched one the day I fell asleep on Alessandro, it wasn't bad actually.

Looking around I go to the closest bookshelf, reading the first couple of books and finding one that looks interesting.

Red, white and royal blue was the name of the book, it looked pretty good, so I went to the couch and got in a comfortable position, opening up to the first page.

(I did this so hopefully, you guys will know the book. It doesn't really fit with the timeline but I couldn't find one that would work)

After reading most of the book I was pulled out by people yelling. Multiple people around the house were yelling frantic and worried. Deciding that I couldn't just ignore it I put the book down and head to the door. Walking out someone whips past me muttering under their breath "where the hell could she be" just loud enough for me to hear it.

I just stand there staring at the wall now because the person was so fast I couldn't even tell who it was, hearing most of the yelling coming from the lounge room.

Walking down the stairs I try and listen to what they're saying, most of it just being voices for me but what I could hear made me laugh to myself.

"where the hell could violet be"

"she better not have left"

Why would you say that, stupid"

Getting down the stairs I laugh more at what they're saying, listening to all of them I'm pretty sure the whole family is in there, the adults probably just sitting there listening to the rest yelling at each other watching them panic.

The yelling starting to hurt my head I open the door and make sure it bangs open to get everyone's attention, all of their heads snapping at me. My assumption was half right all of my brothers and cousins are standing in a half-circle type of thing and the oldest brothers and the uncles and aunts are all sitting on the edge of their seats.

the uncle, oldest brothers, and grandpa almost have blank faces, but if you look into their eyes you can tell they are very worried. The aunts and grandma don't hide it though and they show that they are all worried too.

Everyone stops talking and stops moving, all looking at me. Some of their jaws dropped just by looking at me, and the others just stared at me with not any expressions.

"What...The...bloody...hell" Gabriel said when he got over the surprise of me just walking into the room.

"where the hell have you been" Lorenzo half shouts and half talks, making me smile a little that they are freaking out this much without even looking for me properly.

"you guys are terrible at looking for people. Did you never play hide and seek as a kid" I say laughing a bit

"We looked everywhere for you, where the hell have you been?" Matthew asked as he just kept staring at me

"I have been in the house the whole time" I say keeping it vague just to keep the library like my secret hideaway

"then why the hell couldn't we find you?" Lorenzo asks sounding a little annoyed

"Well, I'm guessing you didn't look everywhere" I say sitting next to Alessandro and grandpa.

Over the past couple of days that I've been here, I've grown kind of comfortable with Alessandro, maybe even enough to trust him.

Deciding to just get comfortable, I lay down on Alessandro's shoulder, some of them were still looking at me

"let me sleep" I say half whining, closing my eyes

Some of them laugh but most stay silent. Deciding that's good enough I just fall asleep.

. ☾ . 

I know it's really short but the next one kind of makes up for it also it's uploaded early so yay?

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