C•h•a•p•t•e•r XX

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"Hello." - dialogue in Korean
"Hello." - dialogue in English
'Hello' - thoughts
Returning back to Korea means that I'll be going home, but it means I have to get back to work. Not that I don't want to, I love my work so much. I have always had a busy schedule and my body has been used to it and I feel like I'd be sick if I simply stayed inside my house.

Which is why I find it odd, really odd when I became so agitated to go back to my apartment. Our apartment. What the hell is wrong with me?

Ever since that trip in Greece, Y/N became...a lot bolder. Since that night to be exact. In the first months of our marriage, he would always have this neutral expression on his face. No emotion at all, I cannot even identify if he is pleased or not about something. Then, as I spend more time with him I was able to discern that his reaction depends on the sound of his voice. There is a subtle change in his tone and if you are not around him for almost everyday, you wouldn't be able to catch it. But now, this guy who supposedly has this stoic face ever since he was a kid, can no longer be found. Well, at times that person reappears when his attention is given towards someone else, but whenever we are together his attitude changes. The whole aura changes.

If I were to describe the last two days we spent on Greece it would be: Fun. Chaotic. Memorable. Why?

Fun because we did had a great time. We spent our time visiting the places I wanted to see and do things I wanted to do. We went on a boat tour, visiting the smaller islands and did scuba diving. Y/n and I also got competitive with the ATV ride, which resulted in me, almost getting into an accident to the point where I had to do everything to convince him to let me ride it again. And he said...no.

It was also chaotic. Aside from the fact that I almost got myself into an accident, something else happened. We bumped into Elliot Vargas, and I could see the tension between him and Y/N. Especially, due to the fact that he keeps on insisting that we visit their house, which we, I actually, politely declined but the result is he decided to accompany us. While Elliot talked happily about the places we visited, Y/n looked very displeased. And it was quite a scene to watch. I know how Y/N feels about Elliot, he told me honestly that he does not like him, and I can see the reason why. Not only because, apparently from what Y/N said the guy likes me, but also because of his attitude. I have encountered a lot of people to know what kind of person he is. He says something but thinks another thing. He doesn't mean what he says, unlike Y/N who is sincere with the things he says.

"This guy couldn't take a hint." Y/N murmured beside me which made me chuckle. He doesn't hide the fact that he does not want him around us, and seeing a pout appear on his face from time to time makes him adorable. I can't believe I am finding a grown man like him adorable.

Elliot continually followed as around saying that he isn't busy and he wants to make sure that we have the best experience here in Greece, and Y/N scoffed to that catching all of our attention.

"You okay buddy?" Elliot asked, feigning ignorance when he know full well while this guy beside me is being like this.

Y/N didn't even spare him a glance

"He's fine." I intervened. "Can you maybe wait for us a bit, I just found something that caught my eye." I told Elliot. Truth be told, nothing did at the moment. But I, too, cannot deny the fact any longer that Elliot is becoming annoying by the minute. He keeps on winking at me, talking to me in a flirty manner, and he almost touched me inappropriately but I manage to get a way from him right away. It was a good thing that Y/n wasn't able to see it or things would have been really ugly.

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