C•h•a•p•t•e•r XXI

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"Hello." - dialogue in Korean
"Hello." - dialogue in English
'Hello' - thoughts
Seungjoo oppa's words rang through my head. He let go of me after saying those words and left.

Meanwhile, I went back to the apartment with a conflicted mind.

As I entered our apartment, I heard the sound of the television. Looks like Y/N is still up. He has been hanging around much lately at the living room or the kitchen, but back then he'll always be in his room. Noticing my presence he paused the movie he is watching.

I was mentally preparing myself for the question why are you late, or why do you have a faint smell of alcohol and cigarette? But instead he asked "How are they doing?" Catching me off guard.

"Oh. They're fine. The usual. I guess." He nodded his head in acknowledgement, as we both went to the sofa. "They asked me how was the trip, and they asked about...you as well."

"I see. They must have been excited hearing all your stories."

"Yeah..." Staring off into somewhere else I sighed deeply and I can feel that Y/N wanted to ask if there is any problem but decided not to.

I wanted to talk to him, but I suddenly felt too tired to do so. And I don't even know what to tell him in the first place. Though knowing that he waited for me to arrive means a lot, and it made me a bit guilty.

That night, I went to bed with a lot of things occupying my thoughts. Seungjoo oppa and I has been teased a lot, some said we look like siblings while some said we look good together. What we did was simply brush off the compliment. I worked with him a lot, the girls and I worked with him a lot, and what he did bugs me. Seungjoo oppa's confession made things worse for my current situation. He has always been nice to me, and its not like I didn't had this thinking that he probably likes me romantically even a teeny tiny bit, but now that he confessed, it made things harder for me. What if things between us changed because of this? What if our friendship ends? I kept thinking about his...confession. Why now? Of all times? Was it because of Y/N?

And then there's Y/N. I didn't told him about my encounter with Seungjoo oppa. What would he feel? How exactly would Y/N react? I began to wonder how did he dealt with all the confessions he received, and how does it feel to be the person to confess. I keep thinking about how would he feel, but at the same time I don't. Especially what if he found out that Seungjoo oppa hugged me, and I hugged him back. I don't think I can bear to see him looking sad.


Morning came and I reached for my phone but its dead, I forgot to charge it last night because of all the things I was thinking of.

I got out of bed and looked at the wonderful view outside the window. Though I had lots of thoughts, I was still able to sleep well, and I even woke up early. I had to go to work this afternoon and its only 7 o'clock in the morning. Changing into a much more decent pair of clothes I made my way downstairs, Y/N is still in his room and I decided to make us some breakfast. Its been a long time since I did. Preparing pancakes, bread, and fruits as well as our morning coffee took a short time. It's only 7:30, but no sign of Y/N. I prepared the table and waited another five minutes but he is still nowhere in sight.

Deciding whether to call him or not, I still ended up upstairs in front of his door room. The rooms were all soundproof and I don't have any clue if he is up or not. I raised my hand and was about to knock when his door swung open and I lost my footing but thankfully he caught me right away.

A pair of strong arms held me steadily and carefully.

"T-thanks." I said, detaching myself to him, I looked up and saw that he is already wearing a suit. "You have a...meeting?" I questioned.

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