[4] old memories

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I arrived home and put all my groceries away, oddly I find it therapeutic, after I decided to tackle my clothes. There was one box left  filled with stuff I had forgotten about. I opened it up and found a photo album, there were pictures of me during my teenage years.

The pictures consisted of me and my friends, my parents weren't there, they never were. I turned the page and my eyes slightly widened in horror. It was him : baek hyun. I wish I never looked through that box now.

Flashback tw: swearing

"You know what you are your a fucking piece of trash, how dare you cheat on me."

"For the last time I didn't fucking cheat on you baek hyun. I went to the store below the house."

"Then why the fuck was that boy there. Exactly you were cheating on me."

"Since when did having a friendly chat become cheating? I guess you've been cheating on me then, don't think I didn't know baek hyun."

He stepped closer to you, as you took a step back.

"what did you just say. You know what, there's a reason why your parents abandoned you I mean why wouldn't they, look at you, your so worthless, useless even, you don't deserve to be alive right now. If your parents really loved you they would have came back for you, but guess what they didn't, you know why cause who the fuck would want a daughter like you."

End of flashback

I shuddered as I remembered him and everything he had said to me, during my relationship with him was the lowest point of my life. I slowly brushed my finger over the picture and a tear dropped onto the photo, I didn't even realise I was crying, I took out the picture and ripped it up.

Soon I was a crying a mess. It wasn't the fact that I was still in love with him, but more of the things he had said to me. We're they true? It seemed like they were.

"Hey why are you crying?" Jay said to me, though I didn't realise I was crying.

"What I'm crying?" I suddenly felt my eyes become watery and my vision blurred due to the amount of tears.

"Maybe it's y/n?" Jake said, "maybe because your soulmates your feeling her emotions?"

"Jake's  right." Jay said, "it's her emotions your feeling.

"Why is she crying though? She literally just went home."

"It's because she's remembering something." Ni-ki came back, "it's... something that happened in her past." He got up and left again.

"I'll go." Jake said.

"Don't you think we should check on her?" I asked Jay.

"It would be a bit weird if we just suddenly happened to know she was crying, I think she would find it odd. For now I don't think we can do anything. I wonder what ni-ki saw." Jay sighed.

I couldn't do anything and I felt hurt, the tears kept building, I just sat there and let the tears fall, I didn't know why she was crying and it pained me.


hihi small insight on y/n's past :( alsooo how do you think ni-ki saw what was inside her mind? Stupid question (ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ
🥮mooncake for y'all cuties - these are so good!
Also mochi - they're just amazing.

neighbours ┃。 ͘ ͙ ☘︎

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