[26] surprises

891 37 16

A - yeong
Just one bite, that was all I needed. I silently walked closer towards her scent and found her in the kitchen, sitting down.

I had to wait for the right time, which seemed like forever because she was still sitting down eating her cereal. Until finally she got up to wash the bowl. Now was my chance.

I walked closer, my fangs bared on their own. It was now or never, I was just about to grab her when the front door burst open. "Y/N!" It was Jungwon. He came in so fast I didn't have time to process he had snatched her away.

"What the heck are you doing a -yeong?" It was Heeseung. But I couldn't think I needed blood. My eyes fixated on y/n's body and I dashed towards her and my fangs straight away bit into her.

She didn't scream or cry, she just stood there, still. The voices around me became muffled and I felt my self being pushed off before seeing y/n had blacked out.

Soon my head began spinning and I felt myself blacking out, what the heck was happening, I had never blacked out while drinking a humans blood.

Am I dying?

I woke up with a headache and took time to adjust to the light. I felt an arm around my waist and turned slightly to see Jungwon laying next to me.

"Y/N." He mumbled, "are you awake."

"I am." I replied placing my hand on his. He immediately got up and engulfed me into a hug.

"You had me so worried! You were asleep for two whole days." He sobbed into my hair.

"I was asleep for two whole days?" I asked as we broke the hug, "i thought it was only for a few hours."

"Don't ever do that again! I thought you were..." he didn't finish off the sentence but I knew what he meant.

"What happened to A - yeong?" I asked because I genuinely wanted to know, the last thing I remembered was she had bit me.

"She blacked out." Jungwon said. "And then she ran away after waking up, Heeseung, Sunghoon and Sunoo went after her."

Jungwon paused for a moment, "there's something else."

I nodded my head as a sign for him to continue.

"A -yeong has the antidote for us to turn back to human again."

I smiled brightly, "that's great news!" I looked at Jungown who didn't seem happy, "isn't it?"

"Argh I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders, "can we talk about this after they find her." He suggested, it was clear it was weighing down on him.

"Okay." I smiled lightly.

"Shall I get you anything? Food? Water? Another blanket?" He was ready to be out of the bed but I quickly stopped him.

"Just... stay with me?"

He nodded his head and slipped back into the bed. He moved closer which for some reason made my heart rate spike up.

He smirked and looked at me, "I can hear your heartbeat." He put his arms around my waist again and whispered, "does this make your heart beat faster too?" He asked while obviously knowing the answer.

I placed my hand on his chest and smiled, "what about you, does this make your heart beat faster?"

A/N: oh. oh. oh.
🌯 eat a burrito.

neighbours ┃。 ͘ ͙ ☘︎

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