[32] another one

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I had somehow managed to meet with A-yeong in a nearby café, but what I was not expecting was to meet the two girls from yesterday.

Just as me and A-yeong were about to talk the café was closing, coincidence maybe? "Let's just talk outside, i just need to ask you something." I said to A-yeong who seemed more than pleased.

We were walking and talking when A-yeong abruptly pulled me and leant herself against the wall, was this meant to be romantic? Because I found it quite claustrophobic, thankfully the two girls from the café had arrived, though one of them didn't look pleased and the other looked (the one who's supposedly my girlfriend) hurt.

"Y/N! Come here." Her friend called out, at least I had found out her name now, her friend suddenly pushed A-yeong out of the way and pulled y/n straight into me, our lips colliding immediately.

Suddenly a wave of light flashed through me, i was standing in front of a window looking out at y/n, us shopping and having an awkward moment, y/n in our house where I bit her and another time in the lift, both of us dancing under the moon and then y/n's smile appeared but everything flashed black and then disappeared.

Y/N had pulled away from the kiss.

I wanted more. I needed more.

"Erm sorry about that." A hint of crimson crept into cheeks, she quickly grabbed onto her friends arm and moved away.

"I want to kiss again." I said surprising myself, I wasn't meant to say it but it was the truth I did want to kiss her again.

"What?" She asked.

"Jungwon what are you saying? You don't even know her." A-yeong voiced out and for a minute there I had forgotten she was here.

Y/N's friend who's name I still don't know glared at her, "yes he does know her, I think you can go home now."

A-yeong did not take that well and scoffed, "I know him better than anyone." She walked closer to me and grabbed me by my collarbefore I could even resist, and forcefully placed her lips on mine.

This time another wave of light flashed before me; it shows images of A-yeong harming us. I immediately broke the kiss and pushed her away.
"Don't touch me ever again."

A-yeong scoffed and walked away.

I turned to look at y/n and I knew I hurt her but I didn't understand everything yet. Instead I apologised to her.

"I'm sorry I don't remember everything."

I had no idea what to name this chapter lmao.
anyways hope u enjoy :D
🍄have a mushroom bc they're cute heh.

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