[31] trying to move on

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There wasn't really anything I could do, I couldn't force Jungwon to remember his memories nor did I want to force him.

I looked at Chaeri who was curled up beside me, seeing her like this broke my heart even more, she shouldn't have to go through this.

"Hey" I called out to her, "tomorrow let's go to my café, I'm opening it." I said.

"I don't feel like going out." Chaeri replied back.

"Come on, it's better to clear your head out than stay indoors all day, you'll be getting free drinks." I encouraged hoping she would say yes.

She though for a moment and then nodded her head as a yes. I threw my arms around her and gave her a light hug — something we both needed.

The next day Chaeri woke up in a better mood we both ate and set out early to the café, we cleaned a little more, blasted some music, danced across the floor with our brooms — doing anything to distract ourselves.

Until finally I changed the sign from 'closed' to 'open' both of us stood behind the counter, ready to serve our first customer.

I'm A-yeong. She was our first customer, both me and Chaeri looked at each other in fear, did she remember? Was she here to drink out all our blood?

"Hi, can I have a vanilla latte please." She smiled softly. It was strange, she looked different, clothed in a long skirt and and crop cardigan.
It took me a moment to process everything before taking her card.

After making the drink and handing it to her she sat down next to a window and looked out. Is this what she was like before she became.... bloodthirsty?

"What on earth is she doing here?" Chaeri asked equally surprised as me.

"I don't know? Maybe she doesn't remember anything and moved on?" I said but it sounded strange even to me.

Soon a few more customers began entering the café, forcing us to forget about A-yeong's presence, it wasn't long till she came up to the counter again.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could get another latte and a strawberry cheesecake?" She asked again with a smile.

"Of course." I replied back giving a small smile, she was still a customer.

"By the way, I don't know what you did but that latte was amazing!" She said enthusiastically after taking the other latte and the cheesecake.

"Thank you!"

After A-yeong went back to sit down Chaeri whispered in my ear, "maybe it's because she'd been thriving on blood all this time."

"I think so." I whispered back to Chaeri.

After serving and cleaning up at the same time I decided to close up soon but A-yeong was still there, she was still looking out the window when her eyes gleamed at a figure entering the café.

"Jungwon!" She called out, "over here." He took a brief glance at me before heading to A-yeong.

"ERM we're closing right now." Chaeri unexpectedly spoke out loud while heading towards both A-yeong and Jungwon.

"Oh really, I'm so sorry." A - yeong replied and I was sure I could hear a hint of snark in her voice.

"Yes. It's open tomorrow." Chaeri stated. She let them eat the cheesecake and drink the latte first before allowing them to leave.

"Can you believe her." Chaeri asked, "even if she has changed I still don't like her." She looked at me, "don't worry okay."

I nodded my head and tried not to think about it but of course I couldn't. We quickly cleaned up and closed the café. We walked out while admiring a picture of a cat Chaeri had found.

"This one's too cute." She said pointing at a picture of a tabby cat, she briefly looked up from the screen and paused.

I looked over to where she was looking at and I stopped. A-yeong was pressed against the wall with Jungwon in front.

Chaeri stormed towards them muttering, "oh no she doesn't."

okay so I had to republish the previous chapter bc it showed that I hadn't published it like whaaaatttt.
anyways omg I got newjeans omg album eeekkk.

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