[23] i want you

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"What?" I questioned abhorrently. "You want me?" I laughed indecorously, she could not be serious.

"Yes I want you." She replied squinting her eyes. Oh. She was serious. "Why are you laughing? I'm being perfectly serious, I want to be with you like how we used to be."

The memories I did not want to remember all came rushing back to me, slowly my anger began rise, everything I had been bottling up was creeping out, ready to explode.

"You want us to go back to the way we were?" My voice came out calmer than expected, "are you fucking crazy. You used me, you used all of us. I told you everything about me and you destroyed it just like that. That was my mistake. So no. We will never go back to how we were."

I glared at her before walking off only to be stopped by her again. Unexpectedly my gaze shifted to y/n, she was talking to Sunghoon and Chaeri and laughing, I smiled looking at her smile. A-yeong seemed to have noticed.

"Your choosing her over me?" She looked at y/n and then back at me, "I'm meant to be your soulmate! Not her."

I chuckled, she was testing my patience a lot now. "You'll never be my soulmate, your no one to me." I was just about to walk away when I paused, my back turned to her, "by the way, thank you for inviting us to this ball."

"You'll regret not choosing me." She muttered under her breath loud enough for me to hear. I shrugged and walked off.

After calming my self down and telling them what had happened with A - yeong we decided to leave. Sunghoon, Sunoo and Heeseung bid goodbye to us before telling us we'll see them again soon and then left.

A - Yeong
There was a wave of anger and jealousy running through me I couldn't accept the fact that Jungwon was leaving just like that. I watched him hold her hand, hug her, and hold the car door for her.

That should've been me.

I clenched a handful of my dress in a firm grip as I watched them drive away. Why did he like her so much? She was a useless human, she didn't have any of the abilities like I do.

In every way possible, I was the better fit for Jungwon than her.

She wasn't able to read minds like could.
She had to survive on food and water whereas I just needed blood.

Blood. I need her blood.

The ride back home was fairly quiet, Jay and Chaeri were talking about food, and everyone else except Jake ( he was driving ) had fallen asleep.

I positioned y/n's head to lean on my shoulder and placed her hands in mine, drawing circles on them, her soft breath tingled on my skin, an unexpected sensation.

An hour later we had arrived home and we're getting out of the car, y/n had woken up a few minutes before.

"y/n is it okay if I stay with you tonight?" I asked, I had this weird feeling that I just needed to be with her.

She smiled brightly and was enough to make my heart erratic and cheeks bright pink. "Yes!"

A/N: hi hi back w a new chapter:)))
don't forget to comment and vote!
p.s. a-yeong's scary.

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