Chapter 2

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Win called out from living room "Hurry up..... Princess". Bright was just finishing off getting ready for the night out. He was looking forward to have good times with their other close friends, especially for Win, he really needed that with his of a wife.  His Best Friend deserve so much more than Zea. Bright always knew Win is such a good guy and Zea treats him like a crap after marriage. Bright also knew that she always accused Win of cheating  on her with him of all people, which really seems comical to him in some way. First he trust Win blindly that he'll never cheat on his wife and second reason was nothing ever happened between them, nothing means nothing not even a small kiss on lips in all of their 22 years of Friendship. Bright called out from his bedroom "Bun, can you come in and help me with this dress, Can't get that damn zip up on my back".

Bright soon heard Win chuckling at him, as he made his way entering inside Bright's bedroom. He complained "I never understand why you buy dress with damn zipper when you can't zip them up by yourself ". Bright laugh responding "because those are the one I always like it in the end. Now shut up and zip up already". Win stand closer behind Bright, pulled the zipper up along the way watching Bright's red bra strap drape on his back as accidentally his knuckles lightly brush on Bright's bare skin causing him shiver under Win's cold hand. He uttered "Bun, atleast you'd have heated your cold hands up before doing it", Win laugh near Bright's ear and touch Bright's skin once again, this time he clearly did it on purpose making Bright to shudders under his cold touch.

Bright turned around and glare his best friend, he placed his hand on his hip saying "You're lucky I love you". In response Win smirk at Bright already know, his Angel can never be mad at him, especially when he gave his charming smile. Bright stick out his tongue at him in response, before turning back to see himself in the mirror one last time. Bright fix his hair then once he was satisfied with his look, he turned around twirl while asking "How do I look, Bun?". Win truthfully answered "Hot as always, Now can we leave before they all think we aren't coming". Bright sweetly batted his lashes "C'mon call the Cab now and don't get your panties in a twist". Win nods, he walk away while calling the Cab, as Bright made sure to switch off all the lights and locked all the doors. 

First they decide to meet their group of friends at voltage bar, before hitting the night club later. They all try to meet once in a month as they don't see each other often between work and relationship and couple of their friends got kids too. Bright walk outside of his house, and saw Win impatiently tapping his foot looking at him it makes Bright laugh "Go fuck yourself, Bun". Win chuckled "Where'd be the fun doing it alone". Bright rolled his eyes, his Best Friend is lucky that he loves his silly sarcasm as.s but then again Bright himself is no different from Win. That's one of the reason they get along so well. As soon as the Cab, arrived in front of them Bright slap Win arm asking "Let's go as.shole". And he walk passed Win away without waiting, but soon in response Win spank Bright's as.s laughing hard in all innocence and there was nothing se.xual between them. Just two best friends messing with each other and having fun in their own way.

Bright pouted at Win after getting inside the Cab, "What was that for?", Win laugh admitting "It was right in front of me, I can't help myself". As they started moving and chatting Win phone again started ringing with Zea name, he had no choice then to answer it as soon as Win answered the call muttering "Hey babe" Bright heard sound of shouting, Zea started again. Bright heard Zea shout ".... Don't you hey babe me,  You're again went to screw your and why the fuck you've been ignoring me since hours?", Bright look outside of window, this woman need to find something new to say. All these same shit is getting repetitive and annoying. Bright saw from the corner of his eyes Win jaw clenched. He know Win hates it when she talk like that about him. Win hissed "Zea I told you stop fucking talking about Bright like that. I'm not fucking him, it's about time you stopped accusing me... And I put my phone exactly for this reason... Because all you wanna do is argue and repeat same thing I'm already sick of it. I'll be home tommorow hopefully by then you'll be in a better mood. I love you and Good Bye". Win run his hand through his hair and disconnected the call, followed by switching it off and shoving it in the deepest of his pocket in the end.

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