Chapter 47

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Though after talking details with their parents, Bright was feeling much better than before. Both boys have spoken about everything openly about their present and future with their parents and they both were ready to fight to be each other and for their love. On the other hand even after Win agreed to give his house to Zea she wasn't satisfied  Zea was again making their life hell demanding her share in all the properties and bank balance, but both boys were stuck to their decision together to give only house with some alimony so that she can live her life in peace atleast for few years. Win and Bright were doing everything to make each other feel at ease, to make their relationship work and every passing day their love was only getting stronger for each other. From last one month Win was also trying to convince Bright's father, as his lover never mentioned but he knew Bright wasn't feel at ease considering how much his Dad was upset with them both. Bright was pacing back and forth waiting for Win to come back home. He was once again feeling anxious because earlier today Mr Ram called Win for a meeting. It has been a month since Ram walked out of Bright's apartment after finding out about their relationship.

Bright had no idea that his boyfriend was trying to convince his father since last one month until Win told him before leaving. Bright was assuming his father might still be upset with them both. He felt clueless since he doesn't had any idea what is going to happen between his Dad and boyfriend. It's been three hours already Win went for a meeting and he should be back by now. Bright just hope his father doesn't kill his boyfriend, nor scared him off threaten him to broke off their relationship. As those ridiculous thought came into his head Bright quickly grab his phone to make a call but his boyfriend didn't answer. Bright groan and started pacing once again, his heartbeat rose every second passed but soon the front door opened and he heard his boyfriend chuckled saying while entering inside the apartment "Don't worry love, I'm still alive". Bright immediately rushed towards Win. He pulled Win into a quick tight hug then pulled them, apart shooting a hard glares. Win laugh out louder watching Bright's worried sick face earlier. Bright ask in half panicked "This is not funny, Are you okay? Bun. Did .. Dad scared you off?". 

Win smiled sweetly he cupped Bright's cheeks answering "I'm here, love, aren't I?. Everything is fine. Your Dad and I had a good talk about everything. He has come around. And he's okay with us being together though he still doesn't like the way it happened but he agreed to support us. He gave me one condition that if I ever hurt you, it'll be him I'm dealing with but I assured him that I'll never hurt you. So you can relax now, Dad is fine and happy. He want us to go over for dinner tommorow night and my parents will be there too". Bright breath out in relief, smiling and nodding his head. Suddenly felt like he won the world knowing his Dad is okay with his and Win's relationship. He felt like getting rid of huge burden from his shoulder and it's only because of his sweet boyfriend. Now he and Win can be 2gether without worrying about anything. Win softly pulled Bright into a kiss causing his lover to sweetly smile into their soft and slow kiss. When they pulled back Win ask "Now we better start looking for a place, let's go and see few places this weekend". Bright wrapped his hand around, Win neck excitedly saying "let's do that but first fill me up daddy.... ".

Bright felt really strange how his feelings for Win is only increasing and increasing, that there's no limit. Though they both took their time to fall in love but it is the best thing happened with both of them. It's been over a month, they have been looking for a perfect house, they again need to go later but Bright wasn't thinking about anything as he can't get enough off of his boyfriend sexy look. It was so domestic like some married couple where Win was cooking lunch in the kitchen on a bright Sunday afternoon and Bright was looking out the places they'll visit later in the evening. Win was only wearing his ripped denim humming to himself, totally making Bright to stop his work and watch him move around fluently in the kitchen. Bright leaned back on the chair and closely watch his sexy boyfriend. Win look just drop dead gorgeous even with his messy hair and sweaty body. The paleness of his skin was such a turned on to Bright, Win was his Adonis, his Adonis going down between his legs, his Adonis hard and long C sliding inside his tight P,  his Adonis fucking his every holes filling him up with his warm come until he can't anymore. Win closed the microwave door and turned towards Bright and smugly ask "love, Are you having naughty thoughts about me?".

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