Chapter 18

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Win pulled out his phone to text his little minx to see if he wants to meet him for coffee.

Win: Wanna meet me for coffee? Baby

Bright: Sure, usual place?

Win : Yes see you then, I'm heading there now

Bright: Okay, see you soon

Win smile as he shoved his phone back inside his pocket. Atleast his Best Friend want to join him for coffee rather than going to Cafe all by himself. Win quickly reached at the Cafe, already knowing Bright would be sittings in his PJs, so might take him some time to get ready and reach to him. Win order himself his coffee and lost in his own world, trying to figure out what's going on with Zea these days, all of a sudden why she changed but like always he didn't understand what going on with her. Why suddenly Zea 's behavior got sweet towards him, Win felt like his married life is getting more complicated day by day. Win was so lost in his own thought that he only saw Bright when he was standing in front of him, smiling as he called his name "Bun" , He reached out and kissed Win cheek and gave a quick hug. Win hug Bright back muttering "Hey baby".

Bright took his seat and order himself his favorite Ice Americano coffee and saw his Best Friend look frustrated and tense for some reason. He started wondering if Win had argument with Zea again and that's why he might called him to talk. Bright softly ask "Hey are you Alright, bun?". Win run his fingers in his hair saying "Yeah, just Zea is confusing me". Bright bite his lips muttering "I thought things are good between you both now". Win respond "Yes, it's good on the surface it's seems everything is fine but it's not as it seems... Anyways it doesn't matter". Bright gave a confuse look to Win, because Win usually tell him everything so Bright couldn't stop himself from asking "Bun why are you telling me only half?". Though he knew the reason why his Best Friend was telling him half cause him and Win started having se.x but that's the last thing Bright wanted to get in between them. Win nervously muttered rubbing the back of his neck "Because I don't know how this will work now". Bright ask back "Why, because we are having se.x?. Bun didn't we both agreed that it'll not come in between our friendship, if this is the case then we should stop having se.x?".

Win quickly retorted "What?, No. I don't want to stop our secret affair, the se.x is amazing and I really like fucking you baby....... It's just Zea she is been affectionate only to a certain extent, it seems like she's has nothing to do with our relationship or marriage, it seems that there's nothing left in our marriage and I still don't know what went wrong to her suddenly and when it started to even happen". Bright heard quietly he still don't understand why Win just doesn't want to let her go. But if he say Win to leave her, he'll sound like a but then again who is he to judge him. He's never in love with anyone nor he's married so he really can't understand why Win still want to hold on and what he is expecting from his marriage and from Zea after all these. Bright softly replied "Bun, why don't you two just sit and talk out stuff, take professional help or try consult divorce lawyer whatever suits you best". Bright laugh after saying the last part making sure Win understand that he's just joking. In response Win rolled his eyes at Bright's suggestions.

Bright just wanted to mess with his best friend as he know at one point Win did love Zea, and it's the reason he's still holding on to his marriage it also looks like he's still in love with his wife, but then again if that was the case he won't be cheating behind her back. Also if Win know that there's nothing left in their marriage then only he can change it. After their talk Win seems look bit relax. Bright ask to confirm "You still coming for the movie with me?. He was doubting if Zea made Win change his plan. Win answered "I said I will, maybe later we'll visit to eat and drink out". Bright nods responding "Yes, if you like but will you have time for that. Didn't Zea would want you back straight after a movie?". Win shrug "I'll tell her we went to grabs dinner after movie she can't exactly tell me not to".

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