Chapter 48

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Bright grabs his things and Win took Bright's hand as they both walk towards Win's Austin, driving to the house they wanted to view for today, it was not an actual apartment which they were looking at but an actual bungalow which made Bright more excited for some reason when Win said that they should take atleast four bedroom house with garden, pool and garage he chose the place for the sake of their future. Though Win never actually said what he meant by future but Bright knew his boyfriend meant for their future children and. It was something which Win never said anything in detail, maybe because it felt too soon to discuss about it. But Bright knew his boyfriend do want to have kids, and Bright is sure it's bound to happen sooner because he's planning to pull out his contraceptive rod.

Very soon Win car pulled up outside the house Bright eyes went wide and his heart flutter inside his chest. He already fell in love just watching the outside of the beautiful bungalow. The house was looking beautiful with the beautiful front garden and entry way. The neighborhood look good and peaceful as well. Bright rushed out of the car in full excitement Win too walk behind Bright, he wrapped his arms around Bright's waist and chuckled in his ear "Guess you already like the house, Love". Bright looked over his shoulder nodding his head, smiling widely as he replied "Yes, It's beautiful, don't you think?". Win chuckled nuzzling into his lover's neck he responded "Yes it is, but we still need to see inside of the house. Plus we must take our time deciding on it, cause it'll be our home where we are going to spend rest of our lives with our little family". Bright leaned into his boyfriend agreeing "Yes, I know but I can't help it though, this is exactly where I'd like to grow old with you". Win chuckled again before pressing a soft kiss "I know. Let's go inside first".

Both boys walk inside the house as Bright was still feeling overwhelmed with everything, honestly he never thought that Win and him will find their future home together this fast. Fate and life indeed works in funny and mysterious way. Both boys met with the retailer, after initial greetings she led both boys inside the house, telling them about the history, cost and locality. She gave them a full house tour, the couple find the house stunning and good size. It was perfect just like Bright has always imagined his home to be that he will share with his husband and kids one day, again he never thought even for a second before, that Win would be his most special person. The retailer ask the two "Take your time, have a good look around the house. I'm just outside waiting". Bright and Win nods, the lady left them both alone to discuss. Both boys made their way around the house, taking their time admiring the place. Bright love the place already, if possible he'd love to buy it today itself but as Win said they're going to spend rest of their life and it is something they need to think properly as they both wants their house to be perfect.

Both lovers walk back down to retailer, Win wanted to say Yes but he knew they shouldn't rush and take their time. Both boys explain the retailer that they already love the house and wants to get back in couple of days. After talking a bit more they headed back to seperate ways. Win took Bright back I to his car as he started the car asking in his sweet talking charm "Would you like to go on a dinner date, celebrating for finally finding our dream house today?". Bright squeals, reaching out to kiss his boyfriend over and over on his face "Yes, I love You. You're the best boyfriend ever". Win chuckle "I love you too even though you're naughty, strange and little crazy at times". Bright slapped his boyfriend's arm playfully pouting at him. But Bright's pout turn into a wide smile when Win reach out to kiss his happy lover's soft lips. Both were soon on the highway, Bright was very excited, finding their dream house, it also means their new start in life. They can put all their past behind now, well only after Win's divorce anyway.

Just after a month Win and Bright got the keys of their new house. Both of them were planning to move in a week, they couldn't wait to move into their new house and began their new journey in life with each other. Bright also joined work, after dropping Bright to his new  work place Win was driving towards his office when Singto called him, he was sounding frantic asking Win that he is on his way to his apartment and wanted to meet him urgently to talk about something very important. Win has to drive back to his apartment to meet his friend, as he started to worry a bit incase something wrong happens with Singto.  Win soon heard the front door open, Singto quickly walk towards Win. As soon as Singto reached, he catches his breath it seems like the man was rushing holding his breath to meet Win as soon as possible. Win ask "Dude, What's up? Are you okay?. I'm worried for you".

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