Chapter 35

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It's been more than a month Bright did everything to avoid talking and meeting Win and his other friends after Krist's birthday celebration. When Win showed up at his work place or at his apartment, Josh did everything possible not to let Win meet Bright. He also threaten Bright and warn him not to go against his will and talk or meet any of his friends behind his back, the consequences will be very bad. No matter how much Bright wanted to meet Win he was too afraid to get in touch with Win or his other friends cause he knew his Best Friend and other's had seen right through him.
It was another weekend morning Bright was sitting in his living room and Josh was still sleeping in his bedroom, he has moved himself in Bright's apartment after Krist birthday saying he want to keep his eyes on Bright all the time considering how Win and his other friends were trying to meet and talk to Bright. Suddenly Bright phone started vibrating with Win number, Bright eyes filled with tears again, he quickly disconnected the call just like always. As his tears fell down on his cheeks for not able to talk to the person who was his safe heaven once. Bright mumble "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Bun".

Suddenly, Josh hissed walking into Bright's living room "Who the fuck you're talking to?". Bright shudders hearing Josh voice and look up as he answered "No..No one. I'm not talking to anyone". Josh stormed towards Bright and snatch the phone from Bright's hand, he start checking what Bright was doing. Josh groan with complete venom voice after finding Win number in call history "Don't you fucking dare to lie to me you You were talking to him, weren't you?". Bright shook his head like some scared little girl and said "No, no I haven't spoken to him since Krist's birthday". Josh was scary and his anger and temper made Bright scared as he most of the time started breaking things around the house. Josh throw Bright's phone against the wall, breaking it into million pieces as he hissed "I don't fucking believe you". More tears fall down from Bright's eyes looking at his shattered phone on the floor.

Bright quietly get up from the couch and started walking towards his bedroom without saying a word but Josh grabs Bright's arm roughly and pushed him back against the wall and hissed in anger "Don't you fucking walk away from me like that... you little". Josh temper was very bad, but he never physically hurt Bright before, because he did that with his words. But right now Bright wasn't sure if he can escape from Josh without getting physically hurt. Josh grab Bright both hands and pressed them on the wall. Josh hold on Bright's wrist was hurting him like hell and he was sure it will bruise. The tight hold on his wrist was painful and felt like burning of his skin Bright sobbed "Please stop, Josh you're hurting me". Josh gripped tighten more on Bright's hands as he groan "it's your own fault you fucking little Maybe if you've done as I told you then we wouldn't be here. Always remember You're not anyone's fucking Princess. You're just a and born to treat like a You'll serve your sl.uty body only to me and you will always do as I say, now strip and suck my D, forget about your married Best Friend".

Just then Bright felt something snapped in him. Why?, Why he's letting Josh words get into his head. Since he was a kid Win had called him Princess, all his life he was happy to be Win's Princess. Though he's not a real Princess but he was Win's Princess and he's not at all born to treat like a He shouldn't believe in Josh, because all his life he believes in Win. Josh doesn't love him, not one bit. He can't let himself torture like this. On Krist's birthday he saw how worried Win was, his other friends too. He's not worthless he got people who cares for him and he still do. There's Win who is worried for him. There he got friends who is concerned and worried for him. They love him and want him. Bright decide he will stopped this getting ab.use once for all. With all his strength Bright pulled his knee up and harshly hit Josh between his legs. Josh yelp loudly in the pain as he let go Bright's wrists. Bright pushed him with all the strength and took a chance to run away from Josh. Josh painfully shouted after Bright "I'm going to fucking kill you. You fucking S".

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