Chapter 52

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Last couple of weeks fly by fast, both boys hardly wore any clothes, they spend most of their days all naked. They'd eat, talk and made lots of love, because why the hell not. But to Bright's surprised Win prepared a romantic dinner date for him. Bright got ready and soon walk towards his boyfriend. Win has planned a special romantic dinner date for his minx because it was their last night on the island He wanted to make this special for his sexy little minx. Win smile at Bright and  intertwined their fingers leading Bright towards the backyard garden. Bright saw a table for two set up, the surrounding was decorated with beautiful flowers and candles, bottle of champagne was sitting on the middle. Bright gushed out looking at his boyfriend "Bun, this is incredible". Win pulled Bright onto his chest responding lovingly "Only the best for my sexy minx. I love you". Bright responded lovingly "I love it. You are amazing".

Both boys took their seat, as Win pour champagne for them. Bright was in awe, looking at the delicious meal. It was perfect Bright reached out and gave a quick kiss saying "You really are the best boyfriend ever". Win responded with equal affection "You deserve the best". Both boys enjoy their dinner with the beautiful beach view, Bright gets lost in his own thought, thinking how he'd love to spend few more days, maybe they can get married and come back here for honeymoon. Suddenly Bright felt Win hands squeezing his as he ask chukling "What’s on your mind?" Bright  responded  "Uh.. umm What. Sorry I got lost in my own head". Win laugh asking "Tell me what you were thinking. You were smiling widely". Bright decided it'd be best not to share what he was thinking at the moment. He still doesn't want Win to feel any kind of pressure. Also he doesn't want to get ahead of himself afterall Win has only been officially divorced for couple of weeks might it'll be too early for him to think about his second marriage. In response Bright ask "Nothing much,  just got lost in this beautiful place. What you were saying?". Win question his lover again "I said did you had a good time here on the island?". Bright answered excitedly "Of course Bun, the best time". Win agreed, looking at his lover with the eyes full of love. He lift Bright hand planting soft kiss on his knuckles before they go back to eating.

Dinner was incredible, beautiful and very romantic, Win was really the amazing best friend and perfect boyfriend. After eating dinner they both snuggle on a love seat finishing off their drinks in silence. The atmosphere was peaceful with the sound of crickets, waves and wind. Win whispered nuzzling into Bright's neck "I'm glad that I'm sharing this incredible place with you, my love. I couldn't imagine sharing such moment with anyone else", Bright snuggle closer, replying "Me too, Baby".  Win suddenly ask out of the blue "Don't you ever, leave me Okay?". Bright turned his head looking up at Win face in wonder, he reach out to place his lips on Win's but instead of kissing he softly ask "Where it came from?". Win sigh out "Just laying here, with  you in my arms, made me realize that it'd kill me if ever I'd lost you. If ever you decide to leave me".  Bright cupped Win cheeks in his hands replying "Oh, baby I'm not going anywhere without You. Promise".

Win breath out after hearing Bright's promise  "I know, I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me. I honestly couldn't imagine my life without you anymore, not only as my lover but also as my best friend". Bright softly caresses Win cheeks saying "I know baby, I couldn't imagine my life without you either. You're everything to me". After saying Bright put his all in their passionate kiss. Win did the same. They kissed delicately and sensually When they broke their kiss, Win ask "Fancy a walk on a beach, my Love?". Bright nods and with a smile he answer "that's sound perfect". Bright instantly pulled himself out from snuggling, standing up on his feet. Win intertwined their fingers once again as both boys, headed towards beach. They walk bare foot, hand in hand was the perfect way to end their hot and perfect vacation. Bright then wrapped his hands around Win arm as he softly said "Tonight has been the Perfect", Bright is going to miss these wonderful days also, he really never wanted to go back  home, he could stay on there island with Win forever.

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