Chapter 42

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Bright was pacing back and forth in his living room waiting for Win to get back, though he was still nervous and also happy afterall Win did it what he said, Now Bright just hope his Bun is Okay and not upset because no matter what Win did love Zea at one point and wanted to spend his life with him, but it is only for the best. Bright also knew Zea will not make it easy for Win, for them both specially when she know about their affair. Soon Bright heard the knock on the door and he rushed to open it, not before looking through the peep hole to make sure it's his Bun only and no one else. As soon as Bright saw it's Win, he quickly pulled the door open and ask even before Win get the chance to stepped inside the apartment "Are you Okay, Bun. Not upset?". Win chuckled "I'm fine and not upset but I missed you soo much, my love". Win stepped in and closed the door behind them then he reach out pulling Bright into his chest. In response Bright giggles and wrapped his hands around Win's neck, he clung to his lover's arms then buried his face in Win neck inhaling his scent. Bright clearly feel Win's heartbeat thumping so loud inside his chest.

He placed his hand on Win chest, as nervousness filled in his heart for some reason. He softly ask "Bun, Are you sure you're alright?. Why is your heart pounding so hard in your chest. It's... It's..b... because of Zea?". Win cupped Bright's cheeks and said with smile "Love, it has nothing to do with her. I don't feel anything for her. She's not important anymore". Bright look at him in confusion at Win face. Then Why else will Win heart will race this hard in his chest if not for Zea. Win gently stroke Bright's cheek then leaned on whispering on Bright's lips "My heart raced like that cause You're close to me, my love". Oh my, Bright never expected something like that from his Bun. Though Win confess that he has fallen in love with him but Bright didn't knew he will had such effect on his Bun. He never expected his heart will raced for him so loudly inside his chest. Bright smiled widely ask amusingly "Really?, It's cause of me?". Win chuckled in response "Yes, love. Why does that surprise you?. You know how much I love You, My love".

Bright responded hugging Win back muttering "I ...know baby... I know". Bright closed his eyes, and felt once again his Bun's heartbeat but realize his own heart was racing inside his chest at the same speed, it was beating for his Bun. He felt really crazy, all these feeling feel so romantic and sweet making Bright stomach flutter for his Bun. Win pulled them both out and grabs Bright's cheeks in his hand leaning in capturing Bright's lips into soft and heated kiss. Bright smiled and kissed back Win lacing his fingers in Win's hair, opening his mouth letting Win enter into his mouth and kiss him back, pressing their bodies against each other tightly. Bright moaned loudly when his clothed P pressed on Win's hardness. Win smirk into their heated kiss causing Bright to pulled back and ask "What you smirking about?". Win laugh out and smugly said "No reason, no reason at all, love". In response Bright pouted and pushed Win chest playfully then walk away towards living room couch saying "Stop being so co.cky, Bun". Win started laughing and walk behind Bright taking his seat beside him. Win then pull his lover on his lap gripping Bright's waist on either side.

Win started trailing soft kisses on Bright's cheek making his lover smile. Bright suddenly ask thinking about others "Baby, how do you think everyone will react when they find out about us?". Bright really had no clue how others will react though he knows their friends always root for them but at the same time Bright is also the reason why Win decide to end his marriage with Zea. Bright suddenly felt nervous and worried thinking what if their friends started hating him for wrecking Win's married life. As Bright got lost Win softly inform sounding nervous "Um... Sing and Mew already knows about our affair". Bright ask in surprised "What?, How, When?". Bright never expected any of his friends to know about their affair. Win explained "The day I walk out of your apartment when you told me.. You got a date for yourself. That day I was pissed, angry and jealous so... from here I went to their apartment and told the two everything about us. I'm Sorry. I shouldn't have but I needed to talk to someone". Bright sigh out guess he can understand because lots of times he too wanted to talk to Krist and Gulf but held himself back.

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