Chapter 46

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The door pulled open and Uma, Maya entered behind them Ram and Anshuman walk in. Uma called out Bright's name making him to freak out more. Win immediately make his lover to calm down rubbing his back and whispering in his eat "Breath, My love". Bright took a deep breath and sigh out "I'm trying", then he straight went to welcome their parents by hugging and greeting all four of them. Win did the same and  ask their parents to take a seat while he and Bright serve tea. Suddenly Uma ask looking worriedly at her son "Sweetheart are you okay?. You seems overly anxious today". Bright hands were sweating, as he tried to give his best smile nodding his head. Bright couldn't do much as he knew his mother would sense that he was lying. In nervousness he started playing with his thumb, bouncing his legs up and down. Uma was about to ask him again but before she could open her mouth, Bright excuse himself hastily and walk  into his kitchen. Win couldn't stop himself from following his lover. As soon as they both were out of sight, Bright turned around and said grabbing Win shirt "I don't think I can tell them, Bun. I'm very scared". Win gently cupped Bright's cheeks saying "Don't be love. We are in this 2gether. Let's go back and tell them before lunch. Get it out sooner than later". Bright nods his head but he wasn't sure if this idea was the best or not considering their situation but at the same time he also doubt after telling the truth their parents would like to stay for lunch and just walk out hating them.

Win and Bright walk out and sat on the couch, all eyes were having questioning look piercing on the two of them. It was clear all the elders were sensing something wasn't right. Bright look up gulping at everyone's when his eyes went on Maya, she was curiously looking at the things belongs to Win lying around Bright's apartment. She ask "Win, son Why does it look like you live here?". Bright mentally groan, Shit he never wanted the conversation to start this way. Bright lowered his eyes, he felt more anxious, his heart began to pound harder against his chest, his hands were sweating and it was shaking knowing his man won't hesitate to tell the truth. Win calmly reached out and placed his hand on Bright's holding them firmly in his making Bright to look up at him. Win shoot his sweet smile at Bright, which made Bright calm down a bit then he answered looking at his Mom "That's because I'm. From last month. Zea and I are getting divorce". Maya and Anshuman eyes widened, they both looked shocked at the news. Anshuman ask "What? Really?", Maya added shockingly "Since When? And Why?". Bright swallowed hard, when he saw how much Win parents were shocked at the news even though they knew what Zea was like. They both know how their son's married life was, Win was miserable and his parents and everyone knew that very well. Win respond to his parents question "Mom, Dad you know Why. I've been miserable for a long time. I tried the best as long as I could to make this marriage work but then it becomes impossible for me. You both know first hand what my marriage was like. It was time that I choose my happiness.... Mom Dad, I  want to be happy. Not arguing, fighting with the person that is meant to love me. I suffered for long and you all know that".

Both parents were quietly listening to Win, they both already knew their son's situation but never knew Win will ask for divorce as it was his choice to marry Zea, even though their first choice was always Bright for Win. They always wanted the two to marry each other and make them one big family. Mr Anshuman ask first "We know son, but why you never mentioned about taking divorce before?". Bright gulped hearing the question and suddenly all eyes were burning on him especially his parents. Uma and Ram could confusingly looked at Bright. Well they can partly understand as they can clearly see how Win was still holding Bright's hands in his.  In the end Maya ask the two looking at their hands "You two are together now.. isn't it?".

Suddenly Ram face expression turned into anger then into extreme disappoinment. Uma also ask Win and Bright in disappointing tone "That is why you're taking divorce because you and Bright are having an affair?". Both boys know their parents raised them better than that but Bright couldn't stop himself from tearing up at the disappointing tone of his mother. Win respond honestly "Yes, that is one of the reason Bright and I are together and Yes we are having an affair for last eight months before Bright got with that as.shole, but then we stopped. Nothing happened between us until I told Zea that.... it's over in our marriage. And before you all get angry on us, start shouting and screaming telling us how disappointing you are in us.... Don't because it won't change anything. Bright and I are 2gether. We love each other and your opinion won't change are feelings". Bright turned his head towards Win, glaring at him harder than ever. Not understanding why the hell his lover wanted to put it in that way. There's definitely a better way, more of a nicer and he could have used more polite words.  

After hearing Win words Mr Ram stood up immediately, he was furious was understatement. He glared at Win then Bright saying "Both of you were raised better than this. I can't believe Bright you broke into someone's married life. Why would you do this?..... And You Win Why didn't you end things with your wife before involving in a relationship with Bright. You both had disappointed me", Bright tears started to fall down, he knew his dad was old fashioned. So he decided it was time for him to answer now since it's his Bun doing all the talking for both of them. Bright started "Dad, we didn't planned it.... It just sort of happened. I know it shouldn't have started this way. We should have waited until Win get divorce or atleast get seperated... Possibly but Dad never works right way. I really love Win and he loves me plea.....". Mr Ram quickly interrupted Bright saying "...That is not the point Bright. You still allowed yourself to had an affair with a married man without thinking about it. Yes... I'm not gonna lie I always wanted you to end up with Win, we all have dreamed of your marriage for many years back but not like this. Bright, Win both were brought up better than this. You two could have waited a little bit longer". Mr Ram shook his head in disappointed, he was very much mad at the two.

Bright tears fall non stop he wanted to say something but nothing came out. Win kept holding him up closer. Bright felt more bad, as his father was never disappointed in him before. While he breaks down Win hold tighten on his lover. Win started saying "Dad, We both know what we have done was wrong but as Bright said we never planned this, not at all. But it has always meant to be Bright and I. It took awhile for us to know our deep feelings and I should have got divorce first, that have been respectful thing to do but at the same time Zea and I were arguing and fighting like anything. She doesn't love me. She was only with me because of the way I was looking after her, the things I have been provided her financially...". Mr Ram once again interrupted, he raised his hand motioning Win to stop giving him any explaination. He firmly said "It's still couldn't justify your mistake Win....  I need time to process this". After saying Mr Ram didn't wait and just walk out of Bright's apartment without giving any glance at anyone.

Bright sobbed harder watching his father walking out of his apartment in anger and disappoinment. Win immediately pulled Bright into a tight hug, kissed the top of his head. Bright cried harder on Win chest as later Uma and Maya helped him calmed down. Bright wanted to go after his father but Win held him close to himself. Bright asked brokenly at the two mothers and Mr Anshuman "Do you hate us too?". Maya quickly responded "What?, Ofcourse not baby". Both of their mother's chuckle as they explain "Sweetheart  we are very happy that  you two are finally 2gether.....   Ofcourse we are not happy with the way it happened. It shouldn't have happened that way but we all knew you were always in love with each other and eventually one day you both will realize what was missing in life...Win marrying Zea was a big mistake from the start but that was only his choice". Win and Bright were looking shocked hearing their mother's. Mr Anshuman added "I honestly don't know what to think Yes ...We always wanted you two to be together,  get married and give us beautiful grand children but I wish it wouldn't have started this way. Now we cannot change the past but it will take some time. I need to know one thing are you two sure that this is what you want for your whole life?. Are you two in this for forever?".  Win respond his father stating "Yes Dad. I love Bright more than I have and will ever love anyone that I can promise. I want to spend the rest of my life with Bright.  I know probably it'll sound crazy or might think that we are moving fast but believe me this feels so much right".

Silence fell in the room for a moment, all three were looking at the couple with soft and proud smile. Honestly Bright
wasn't expecting this kind of reaction from the other three. Mr Anshuman nods and stated "Alright I believe you. Wish you had saved us from all this drama but anyways you two are 2gether and that's a good thing. I don't know about your Dad, Sweetheart but give your father some time, he'll come around eventually. Ram loves you two". Uma also nods and agreed with Anshuman. She further added "I hope you two know Zea will not make this easy for you two. Both of you have to stick 2gether or this will never work out. Be the real thing". Bright felt much better hearing their parents words, their support gave him immense strength and made his heart calm down.

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