Chapter 16

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Win watch the two with dark eyes, he clenched his jaw, when he saw the guy leaned forward and whispered something in Bright's ear making him laugh as Bright too whispered back in the guy ear and that make Win to feel sudden tightening in his stomach. Obviously he understand the feeling he felt at the moment. He was jealous watching Bright with someone else. Though Win know he has no right to feel like that, since out of the two he's a married man. He didn't realize how long he was lost watching the two but he tore back his eyes when he heard the bar man ask "Do you want to order a drink?". Win nods and quickly gave his order but when he turned his head again to see the two Bright and the dou.che was missing from the spot. Win look around but did not find the two again. He grabs his drinks and make his way towards their table while all along searching for Bright in the crowd.

As soon as he sat back, after handing Zea and Gulf's their drink that's when Krist shouted looking at the dance floor "You go babe!!". And that's when Win eyes landed on his little minx once again on the dance floor with the same dou.che of a guy. Bright was grinding his as.s against him, while the man was firmly holding Bright closer to his body. Win jaw clenched once again, his grip tighten on his glass at the sight. He desperately wanted to go down to them to punch that dou.che and  tell him to fuck off but in the end he had no right to do so. Win look at the two, drinking on his own straight. Singto laugh watching Bright having fun with some guy on the dance floor he muttered "Well it seems like someone is going to get laid tonight" Win fake a laugh "Yeah it seems so". He tried to look like he didn't cared that Bright had some other guy's hands all over his body. When in reality what he was feeling was totally opposite.

If only they knew, Win already started planning to stop that from happening. He's the only one fucking Bright, Maybe he's getting selfish but at this point he really doesn't care. He doesn't like the idea of Bright fucking some other guy, unless the guy is him. Win sipped his drink and he can feel his possessive side coming out for Bright. Win felt confused for feeling something so strong suddenly for his best friend which he never felt in so  many years before, It was something new as never before felt like that, not for anyone and not even for Zea. Maybe because he's having an incredible se.x with Bright and the reason he started to feel crazy and possessive over his little minx. His other friends start chatting and Zea turned her attention to her phone while Win eyes were intently watching the two on the dance floor. Bright was swaying his body against the guy. Win wanted to pull his eyes away but he just couldn't. The way his little minx was dancing and moving his body against the guy made him feel hot and angry, the way he was shaking and rolling his as.s and hips against him was all the reminder of their first hot se.x of their first night.

Bright was looking damn sexy, especially when he's wasn't wearing a bra and letting him breast move and bounce sinfully wearing his fuck me dress. Win subconsciously licked his lip, sipping his drink. He can't wait to run his hand and lips all over on Bright's later, the jealousy was still there but he couldn't stop raising a boner at the sight of Bright's dirty dancing suddenly Bright must have sense Win eyes watching him as he turned his head in Win direction. Bright smirked at him and locked his eyes with Win and started swaying his body more sexily. His eye never left, from Win's as he grind his hips more sensually against the man. It wasn't difficult for Win to know that his little minx was trying to do. He was getting to him on purpose and it was working too causing Win to shift on his seat and his breathing got heavier. Suddenly Zea voice interrupted him, she grabs Win attention asking "Win, honey do you mind if I go and meet my girlfriends for couple of drinks. They're at the club down the street?".

Win quickly respond with a smile "of course not babe, go have fun with your girls. You want me to drop you to them?". Zea smiled answering "Thankyou, No, I'll be fine. Will jump in a cab and they'll meet me outside. I'll see you when I get home ". Win nods saying "Sure thing", Zea reached out and steal a quick kiss from Win lips saying good bye to everyone. Win inform Singto that he'll be back soon. Zea reached out and grabs Win hand as they both head towards exit. When she got the in the Cab Win made sure to tell her to text him when she reached to her friends. Zea nods and left causing Win to head back inside again. He got immediately surprised watching Bright  back on the table  with a drink and the dou.che he was dancing was nowhere in the sight. He wondered what happened?. Though he doesn't care about the guy and, Win was just glad that he left his little minx.

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