Chapter 3: Something New

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Lord Isembart's estate was smaller than your own, but it was lavish inside. The house was at the corner of a street, and it was a beautiful home, but knowing that you would be living there from now on, brought the home's beauty down. 

   " Home sweet home. Let me show you inside. " Lord Isembart said, guiding you inside, by the hand.

You couldn't slip your hand away from his and followed the man inside. As soon as you entered the home, you stepped on hard, glossed, dark oak floors. In front of you were stairs leading to a second floor; to your left was a living room with a lit fireplace, and on your right was a study with wide open doors. Further down the hall was a kitchen, then a door leading outside to a backyard.

   " It's small for my nature, but it'll be perfect. We're only a few blocks from the market, and this house is big enough to hold a family. "

   " Yes, it is. "

Lord Isembart led you upstairs and toward a bedroom. The strange man stood behind Lord Isembart at your house in the room. The man had just set down the last of your things in the room and stood to the side as your fiancee dragged you into the room.

   " This is the guest room. Since your move was just decided, I thought you would want to live in a guest bedroom until you're comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed. "

   " Thank you. I appreciate the thought. "

   ' Thank God. '

   " I do have to leave you here and attend to a few minor matters, but Arlutrix will watch over you for the time being. " Lord Isembart said, gesturing to the other man in the room. 

   " Okay. Thank you. "

You expected the Lord to leave, but he kissed your cheek before running off, surprising you. Again, though, you didn't blush or show any flattery. Instead, you walked to the bed and sat down, not interested in unpacking.

   " You are not, easily flustered, my lady? "

You turned your head to Arlutrix, standing straight, with his head perfectly. His head had turned slightly toward you, without any expression on his face. Your bags rested at his feet and looked unopened. Slightly you were confused about the type of personal servant he was. Protecting his Lord was the key to any servant's life, but here he was protecting yours. And learning from Andrea, your stuff would already be unpacked by now.

   " Would you when you're entering a loveless marriage? "

   " But you will increase your noble status in the kingdom. You shall also become much more wealthy, and live a perfect life. "

   " Sometimes, that's not the best thing in the world. "

   " But you'll live prosperously. "

   " Money isn't the best thing in the world. Again, I'd instead not enter a loveless marriage, but I don't get a choice in the matter. " 

You stood up from the bed, deciding that the conversation wasn't going to go anywhere but downhill. Your protector had a particular idea about a lavish life, and your talk wouldn't convince him that what was to occur was wrong. The yard in the back seemed like the best option, and you walked to the backdoor leading outside. The sky was grey and darkened since your departure from your home earlier that day. 

   ' It's going to rain soon. '

At least, this time, you knew that your mother wouldn't be yelling at you to come inside. You could go outside without anyone noticing you, leaving and entering the house. The grass looked soft, and you sat down before lying on your back to look at the sky. You couldn't wait for the storm, so you could easily make yourself sick, to make the wedding date be moved further away. You felt at peace until the backdoor opened, and a monotone voice spoke.

   " It will storm soon. Please come inside. "

Sitting up, you looked toward the door to see Arlutrix standing gently in the doorway with his hands clasped.

   " As you say, mother dear. "

You stood up to go inside, but as you stood, you looked around, realizing that the grass had changed. The lime green grass slightly died and was a light brown color. Even small crisp brown flakes littered your dress, sticking to your clothes.

   ' It wasn't like that before. How did it die so quickly? '

You continued looking around the grass for any source of the grass dying so quickly but found nothing. Perplexed was the emotion that could be read on your face, and Arlutrix saw your expression and realized what he had done unconsciously. Rain soon started to drip from the skies and descend on the Vumaedal Kingdom. Your clothes begin to soak through, and you didn't move from the yard as the rain poured. Arlutrix noticed that your feet didn't move toward the house and stepped outside, wetting his clothes. 

You continued to look around the grass, trying to rationalize how the grass died so quickly. But your attention was grabbed rapidly when the rain stopped hitting you, and a slight shadow appeared over you. Turning, Arlutrix stood nose to nose with you, holding his robe above you, and keeping you dry while he continued to be poured on. 

   " Please, let us go inside. You will get sick. "

The smell of his peppermint breath entered your system and engulfed you, making the hairs on your skin rise. You nodded but took a small step back before walking inside the house. The cloak above you caught the rainwater and absorbed it, and not another droplet hit your frame until you got inside. 

   " I will prepare a warm bath for you. I will only be a moment, my lady. "

Arlutrix bowed to you before walking to the stairs, going to the second floor. You didn't follow him; instead, you turned around to look out of the glass window on the door at the grass. Your dress stuck to your body as you turned and made you feel suffocated, but it didn't suppress the shock you felt when you saw the grass. The grass was the color of freshly grown limes, and there was no sign of death among the patches of green.

While you remained confused on the first floor, Arlutrix ran a hot bath upstairs, taking a deep breath of the steam floating through the air. Then, he relaxed his shoulders and hoped that you wouldn't think anything of the grass dying but that you believed it was due to stress that you started hallucinating.

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