Chapter 30: Not Alone in the Snow

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It was late when the sun had set, and more snow started to fall on the earth. You hadn't found a place to stay. Since you had gotten to the town late, the inn had been booked full, leaving no room for two more people. Leaving you to sit in between buildings while Arlutrix remained injured.

   " We don't have any medical supplies to fix your arm. Is there any way you can heal yourself? "

   " No. . .in fact. . .I've used too much magic. I don't have the energy. . .I might fall asleep here. "

   " Arlutrix, you can't. "

But without listening to your plea, the mage leaned his head back against the cobble wall, with his eyelids falling. You sat on your knees, grabbing his shoulders and shaking them.

   " Arlutrix, we can't stay here in the snow. We left our rations back in the forest since it was by that guard, and it's getting colder. "

But, Arlutrix had already fallen asleep against his will. His powers were useless without any energy left inside him. His body was limp as your hands stayed on his shoulders. You were left alone, with only a sword in your hands. Gently, you tucked the sword underneath, Arlutrix's legs and stood looking around the corners of the walls. Seeing no knights, you stepped out of the ally. 

Going around the town, you searched for any food that could be eaten. Eating anything would be better than eating nothing, and you didn't have many options with your supplies stuck in the forest (most likely eaten). When you got to the closed market, you started looking through the empty stalls for food scraps but found only an apple lying in the stalls you checked. 

   " Excuse me, miss! "

Behind you, a little boy called for your attention, and once you turned to face him, the boy smiled. The boy approached you with a smile shining through the night's darkness. 

   " Can I have that apple in your hand? "

   " Oh, I'm sorry, but my friend and I need this to eat. "

   " My mom also needs it! She was making apple pie for dinner, but I ate one of the apples, and she got mad at me. I came looking for another apple, but you have the last one. "

   " Oh. . .I'm sorry, but we need this. "

   " Please. " The boy begged. 

   " What if we make a trade? Do you have any bandages? "

   " I'm sure we do! My dad's a doctor! "

   " Then, let's trade. Run home and get the bandages and come back here. Only then I'll give you the apple. "

   " Okay! "

The boy ran off, leaving you in the night market. You felt bad for not immediately giving the little boy the apple, but difficult times call for difficult decisions. The boy ran back with a bag of bandages, water, and wipes, holding it out toward you.

   " I'm guessing there's someone with you injured, and you need more than bandages. "

   " Thank you, so much. "

You handed the boy the apple while he left the bag with you, running away, yelling thank you. Though you had lost your dinner, you had medical supplies to help Arlutrix's wound. Running back to the ally, you crouched beside Arlutrix and started to strip his shoulder of his sleeves. Successfully, you pulled his arm out of the sleeve, but more blood oozed out of the wound. 

First, you took the water and poured it over the hole before covering it with a wipe to stop the bleeding. Then, with your other hand, you started to unwrap the gauze bandages while pinching Arlutrix's skin to clot the blood. Once the bandages were finally unwrapped, you pulled the wipe away from his skin, grabbed a new wipe, cleaned the wound (front and back of Arlutrix's arm), and finally wrapped it. Finally, you tied the bandages together and slipped his sleeves back on, trying to keep him warm. 

You leaned against the wall, exhausted, but you didn't relax for long when a young voice called down the alley.

   " Hey, Apple Lady! "

You turned your head and saw the young boy smiling at you. He ran down the alley and toward you with a napkin in his hand. As he got closer, you could smell caramelized apples with cinnamon and nutmeg, making your mouth water.

   " My mom finished her apple pie without the apple! I brought you and your friend some pie! "

   " How did you find me? "

   " I went back to the market, and followed your footsteps in the snow. "

   ' I can't tell if he's naive or smart. '

The boy held out two napkins, and you held them. The pie wrapped in the napkins was warm but growing cold. You started eating your slice of pie while the boy stood in the alleyway, chatting with you. He was extremely happy since you met him, which concerned you a little bit, but you didn't ask him why he was so happy. Instead, you were grateful just for the apple pie. But Arlutrix wouldn't be able to eat his slice of pie, so you would save it for later.

   " Your mother's pie is delicious. Thank her for me. "

   " Oh, I will! I would offer you a bed, but my parents are cautious people. "

   " That's understandable. Two strangers with nothing are most likely to steal from someone else. I'm grateful for your kindness. "

   " There is a stable you can sleep in. If you leave early enough, the owner won't care. "

   " Where is the stable? "

   " It's closer to the edge of the city. It's east. "

   ' We need to go that way anyhow. '

   " Okay. Thank you again, for your kindness. "

   " Sure! It's nothing much, but I wanted to help! You seem nice enough. I'm going to go home; it's getting colder out here. Good luck on your trip! "

The little boy ran off, leaving you behind in the alley. After he ran off, you looked out of the alley for anyone walking nearby but saw nothing suspicious. Really, you were looking for the Vumaedal guards.

   ' The coast is clear. '

Seeing no guard, you went back to Arlutrix, grabbing his arms. You pulled his arms over your shoulders and stood up, pressing his chest against your back. He was heavy against your back, but you held him up with all your leg strength. Slowly you started walking out of the alleyway. You didn't want to walk in the open for the guards in town to see you, so you walked around the buildings instead of through the cobbled streets.  

Eventually, your back started to hurt, but you kept walking, trying to get to the stables. Your breath was ragged, and there were a few moments you fell into the snow, but you made it to the stables. Once at the stables, you threw Arlutrix onto the hay piles, feeling your back ache as you stood straight.

   " Why are you so heavy, Arlutrix? Geez. "

The hay pile you set him on was in one of the horse stables, where the jenny was lying on the floor comfortably from the snow. But you quickly felt your adrenaline spike when you heard guards walking close to the stables. 

   " Jeremy, said the woman, took his sword. "

   " Really? How did she manage that? "

   " He said she tackled him to the ground and unstrapped his sword as he was down. "

   " He needs to be more prepared. The king warned us that she was under the warlocks, control. We have to be careful, about her. "

   " He knows that now, but he had to go the blacksmith to get a new sword. "

   " Well, now we know she's a potential danger to us. "

   " That is true, but I don't want to hit a lady if I have to. "

   " It's not up to us. If she's hostile towards us there's nothing we can do. "

The guards turned to walk through the stables, and you stayed quiet as the guards walked through. Luckily, they didn't check the stables but walked through the center, leaving you in peace for the night. 

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