Chapter 26: A Little Help

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In the morning, you woke first, sitting on your bed, holding your head in your hand. Then, after letting the headache slowly subside, you looked toward Arlutrix, seeing him asleep on the floor. The blanket had fallen off his body during the night, revealing the dark colors underneath the blanket. You stood from the bed and pulled the blanket over his shoulders, doing your best to keep him warm. 

   ' I'm going to take a little walk. Maybe the fresh air will help get rid of this headache. '

You left the tavern and walked the streets, looking around at the peaceful buildings. It was early in the morning, so the roads were free from anyone walking around, making it easy to walk. Unfortunately, snow still littered the ground, and it looked as if it snowed more, during the night, with your foot disappearing in the thick snow.

   " Y/n? "

A familiar voice spoke, calling your name, and when you turned around, you saw the man who had called you. A small smile appeared on your face, seeing the man you had traveled with to meet his wife. The man had grown scruff around his face, but his eyes were bright as he looked toward you.

   " Hello, my friend! How are you ? " You asked, stepping closer to him.

   " I am well, thank you. How are you doing? Are you still on the run? "

   " I am. At the wedding, it was found that my fiancee was sleeping with another woman, and it caused considerable commotion. It was a big enough riot, where my friend helped me escape. We came back here yesterday. "

   " Well, it's good to hear you're taking your life in your hands. I will say, though, those clothes aren't the best for winter. "

   " We didn't have much, and this was the best we could get. "

   " I might be able to help with that. "

   " You can? "

   " Yes, after separating from you, I went immediately to my wife and talked with her. She's allowed me back home, and things are slowly improving, but It's not entirely fixed yet. I'm sure she wouldn't mind helping you or your friend with some clothes or food. Where are you heading to? Or are you just staying here? "

   " We're going to be going to Silv. "

   " That new kingdom? It's pretty far isn't it? The Godfrey Kingdom is closer, if you want to go there. "

   " Godfrey is closer, but they're also allies of Vumaedal. My friend and I can't afford to go there. "

The man raised his eyebrow but didn't push you further for answers. You accepted the offer of his family's help, and he led you toward his house, where you would meet his wife. The farmer talked about his kids during the walk to his home. His wife heard the man outside talking and opened the door to the house, looking out at you. The wife wore a purple dress that made her purple eyes shine. The black hair, which was extremely curly, was tied up so as not to get in her way.

   " Who is this Gerald? " The woman asked, slightly glaring at you.

   " A friend. I ran into her some time ago. She's the woman I told you about, with the deranged mother. "

   " Oh yes. That friend. What is she doing here? " The woman asked, never letting her glare ease up.

   " She's traveling to Silv to run from her forced marriage. I offered food and clothes for her, since she helped me. "

   " And who said I agreed to this? " The woman spat. 

   " Honey, please. . .She needs help. "

The woman remained silent, looking you up and down, before entering the house without a word. Gerald nodded to you, and you followed him as he entered the house. The wife grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the couple's bedroom. 

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