Chapter 7: Curiosity

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   " Why are you dripping wet! And why did you leave the church? We were planning the wedding! "

After the adventure of running into the woods and stealing a horse, the return wasn't as pleasant. Your mother had scolded you, dripping from head to toe in the water. She had come to visit you at Lord Isembart's house while he was gone, and she took you to plan the wedding at the church. Now, you returned to her, soaked through your dress and hair, making the woman as furious as ever.

   " Don't worry about it. Let me inside. "

Your mother blocked the door, not allowing you inside the house, and her scowl deepened after asking to come inside. She raised her arms so that her hands could rest on the wood beams at the door entrance. Her feet were firmly planted, with her heels digging into the floor.

   " Not until you've dried off. Where did you even go? "

   "Nowhere, in particular. " You said, sealing your lips to the secret in the forest.

   " Dry off, and come inside, before I die of stress. "

Your mother walked into the house and slammed the door, making her anger even more prevalent. You rolled your eyes and sat on the first step outside of the house. Arlutrix had left you at the house to return the horse, but he wasn't back yet. 

   ' With that spell, anyone could claim him as a warlock or a wizard. He better be careful, or the king will find out, especially with Lord Isembart being so close to the king. '

It was understood through the kingdom that anyone who messed with dark magic, or magic in general, would be brought to the king for trial. Mages were not favored in the Kingdom of Vumaedal and would cause trouble after the first scandal revealed itself to the public. 

A long time ago, when mages and magics lived in one home together, a mage was found to be having an affair was a married woman under the name Isabell. The husband of Lady Isabell was not happy and took the case to the king. The most a king could do was enforce a separation of houses, but the husband did not like the idea. However, Isabell favored the idea, signed the papers, and became independent.

However, she was diminished from her old status to someone lower in class, as she had an affair. And hidden secrets started to spread through the kingdom about the type of lady Isabell was. Isabell was a woman who lived her life without reason, doing things that the lord, her former husband, had to cover up because he loved her so. Isabell was described as a power-hungry woman since she found someone with more power than her former husband and loved him. Then solidifying the arguments, Isabell was seen arguing with her lover about how the affair wasn't worth losing everything.

Then, under rage, the mage set things ablaze. It was a legend that his eyes turned the deepest shade of red after hearing how unhappy his lover was with him. The wizard was never abusive, as far as anyone was aware, but the anger formed from bitter arguments while she was still married, and they only got worse after she became a divorced woman.

Isabell died in the fire, while the mage was captured and exiled. The king then proclaimed that those with magic abilities were seen as a threat to the kingdom and that anyone with magic abilities would be brought before the king. The few witches and wizards in the kingdom became scared or angry at the decision. Some fought against the king, but in the end, it only drove the king's point further. Those who used magic would have to leave, so people started hiding the fact they possessed magic abilities because there had never been confirmed that anyone lived after seeing the king about magic. 

But the fire was years ago, and not an incident like the fire happened again, and no mage was ever spotted within the kingdom. Not until Arlutrix revealed that he knew a single spell. 

   ' I know he says he only knows one spell, and tit's to protect Lord Isembart, but that can't be right. Why would anyone want to learn one spell and not more? I would like to know more than just one spell if it were me. '

You looked at the world, looking around at all the people walking by. No one looked strangely toward you except for a few people, but you didn't pay them any mind. Then, finally, a breeze blew by, making your shoulders shake. You stood from the step and turned to the door, opening it and stepping inside the warm house. Your mother, sitting in the living room, turned toward the sound of the door opening, and her scowl reformed her face.

   " I told you to wait outside. "

   " You did, but I'm coming inside to have a warm bath and dry off. I'll catch a cold sitting outside. "

   " Then, maybe you should have thought about the consequences of your actions. "

   " Maybe, you should leave, seeing as this isn't your house. "

   " How dare you talk to me like that! I'm your mother! "

   " Yes, but right now, you're being very mean to me, and I don't want you here. So go home, back to papa. "

Without another word, you walked up the stairs and toward your room to grab a set of clothes before going to the bathroom. You started a warm bath for yourself and stripped, feeling your body shiver from the cold air touching your skin. Quickly, you stepped into the warm bath and started to heat your body while your mother, downstairs, was packing her things to leave. But upon leaving the house, she heard things from strangers walking by that made her anger burn in her heart.

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