Chapter 29: A Trap

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You looked around for the human footprints but couldn't spot them. There were no human footprints in the snow, only the hoof prints and your tracks. 

   " Could they have jumped on the horses and rode them the rest of the way? " You questioned. 

   " Possibly, but I don't think that's the case--Get down! "

Arlutrix pushed your body forward, and you fell into the snow. Looking back to where you once stood, there was an arrow in the ground, with only its feathers revealed from the snow. Around Arlutrix's hands, different colors of whisps circled his hands while he looked toward the direction the arrow was shot from. 

   " Y/n, stay alert. I'm going to look at the surrounding trees and mountains. "

You could only watch as Arlutrix stepped through the snow toward the direction the arrow was shot. Slowly, you stood up, looking at your surroundings, but you couldn't see or hear anyone. You didn't move from your spot but continued to turn and look at your surroundings. Then, finally, you spotted a figure in the snow. It was one of the knights in silver you had watched walk through the mountains. They walked toward you slowly, with one of his hands on his sword and the other in front of him, toward you. You stepped back as the knight continued strolling toward you like he was approaching his prey.

   " Lady Y/n, I am here to return you to Vumaedal. "

   " I don't want to return. Leave us alone. "

   " Those are not my orders. I must return you to Vumaedal. "

   " Why are you not listening to me? I do not wish to return to that kingdom. Arlutrix, and I don't want to go back. "

   " You don't know what you want. You won't understand, but the warlock is controlling you. Try to regain control of yourself, and remember your loved ones. Remember your father, mother, and friends, and think of Lord Isembart. "

   ' Is he serious? Does he really think Arlutrix is controlling me with his magic? Would it be my mother or Lord Isembart who told the king this? '

You continued to back up, keeping a reasonable distance from the knight. Clearly, he wasn't going to leave without you, and you wouldn't be able to convince him you were in your mind. 

   " I don't want to return of my own will. That kingdom is so sick of gossip; it makes me deranged. I will not return. "

   " It seems I will have to take you by force. "

   ' That doesn't sound good. '

The guard started to jog toward you, afraid if he ran, he would scare you anymore, like a cat with a mouse. Running was an option, but the guard, no doubt, was faster than you. You could try fighting the warrior, but he had armor and a sword while you were defenseless. Furthermore, the guard was trained for any scenario while you were trapped in the scenario. As the guard closed in, you crouched low to the ground and positioned your feet, ready to jump. The basket of foods would sit in the snow, where your form was before the first arrow was shot. 

Once the guard was close, you jumped at him, wrapping your arms around his midsection and pushing him to the ground, throwing him off balance. Once your body connected with the metal of his armor, you reached for his sword and unstrapped it from his side. The guard tried to grab his sword from you, but you stood up quickly with his sword in hand. Now you had a weapon to defend yourself.

   ' I don't want to kill him, but I can't have him chasing me either. Arlutrix and I need to get to Silv while we have food, before another snowstorm comes. '

   " Lady Y/n, please hand me back my weapon. You don't know how to wield it. "

   " I don't, but it's still something I can use against you. Now, tell me, is there someone else with you, here? "

   " Yes, another guard, sent by the king. " The knight said slowly.

   " And what are your orders from him? "

   " To retrieve Arlutrix the Warlock, and bring home Lady Y/n, the woman whom he kidnapped. "

   " I wasn't kidnapped. I willingly left with him. I didn't want to be married to Lord Isembart. "

   " Because he has control over you, my lady. Please realize--"

   " You don't have the right to call me that! "

You finally grew tired of the knight and ran toward him, with the sword pointed to the ground, as if you were going to strike him. The guard prepared for the attack, but when you jumped around him and hit the back of his head with the butt of the blade, he was in shock. 

   " I don't want to kill anyone. I want to live peacefully. Don't push me, or I will kill you. "

The guard fell to the snow, losing consciousness, and you took the time to run in the direction, Arlutrix had walked. Your hit wasn't powerful enough to make the guard blackout, but it would be enough for you to get away while he regained his senses. The sword was heavy, and you wouldn't be able to wield the long blade in a fight against someone trained to use the sword you carried. 

Turning around corners, you hoped to evade the guard and find Arlutrix before any more danger came. But, of course, the risk was leaving the guard alive to find his other friends to come back. But killing someone took an enormous toll on someone, so you didn't want to kill anyone unless it became dire. 

Ahead, you could spot a figure walking in the snow, and from the colors of the clothes, you knew it was Arlutrix. But there was something wrong. There was dark red blood dripping from his hand.

   " Arlutrix! "

The mage looked toward you, and he felt relieved seeing that you were okay but grew curious about the sword in your hands. Once closer, you looked at his hand but found no wound. Then, trailing up his arm, your eyes found the wound in his upper arm, where his sleeve was torn, revealing the torn tissue.

   " I was shot. But I took care of the guard anyhow. He was more skilled with a bow than his sword, so it wasn't that hard of a fight. What happened to the guard that approached you? 

   " I knocked him to the ground, but he's still conscious. I couldn't kill him. "

You felt like Arlutrix was the type to be normal to blood, and he would scold you for not killing a guard while he killed the one that targeted him. But, he was the opposite and nodded his head.

   " OKay. We need to move. They know our location and the direction we're heading. We need to head to one of the other villages and hide there for a little while, or at least until we can get some rest and my arm can heal. Are you going to take that sword with you? "

   " I want to, in case I need to defend myself, but the sword isn't made for my build. "

   " I can take care of that. "

Arlutrix waved his fingers, with pink wisps floating around his fingertips. The small whisps traveled to the sword, floating around the silver blade. As the whisps traveled upward, the sword grew shorter while the edge became thinner; finally, at the handle, the handle shrunk, fitting perfectly in one of your hands. Eventually, the whisps faded, leaving nothing behind but a brand-new sword that perfectly fits your build.

   " I thought you could only do that with clothes. "

   " I can use my magic with any material item as long as I make it. A dress for a dress, a sword for a sword, as long as the principal of the object remains. But worry about that later; we need to get out of here now. "

Arlutrix started walking in the direction you had come before running into the guards. The plan changed to head to a different village, hoping you had time to get there and heal before the guards came running. 

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