Chapter 25: Planning

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You rode far from the town, arriving at the city you had once traveled to before you had returned to Lord Isembart. The decorations were still hanging around town, and snow littered the ground. Small footprints were seen in the snow from children running around. Arlutrix brought the horse to the stables, leaving the horse with a blanket on its back for the night. You walked with Arlutrix to the same inn you had slept in before. But with not much money to spend, Arlutrix only got one room.

   " We don't have much money with us, so we'll have to be careful with how we spend money. " Arlutrix said, sitting on the floor.

   " It's winter, so let's focus on food and warmth. "

   " Yes, and when we get out of the borders, it'll be easier to move around. "

You nodded, in agreement, taking a seat on the bed and pulling the blankets around you. You were in a warm room but still in a dress that wasn't fit for the weather.

   " Can you change the dress into some warm clothes? "

   " I can't. I can only alter what you wear by length, color, and texture. So, I can change a dress into a different dress, a shirt into a different shirt, and shoes into another type of shoe. I can change your dress into something warmer if you would like. "

   " Yes please. "

Without a second thought, Arlutrix threw pink whisps at your feet, and the dress started to change. The dress remained long to cover your body, but the material transformed into cotton, concealing the warmth inside your body. In addition, the sleeves went from short to long, keeping you warm.

   " Thank you. "

   " Anything for you, my lady. "

You turned to lay on the bed, pulling the covers to cover your whole body. Then, turning to your side, you faced Arlutrix to continue talking with him. Arlutrix sat against the wall, keeping his back straight, but turned his head to meet you.

   " What are your plans once we get out of Vumaedal? " Arlutrix asked.

   " I think I want to go to the Kingdom of Silv, It's far from here, but it's in the direction of Madrathia. The kingdom was defeated long ago, but I've heard they've been rebuilding for years. What are you going to do, Arlutrix? "

   " I'm not sure. I have never had this much freedom. I've always been bound to Lord Isembart since I was young. I can't return to Vumaedal since they all know I'm a warlock. "

   " Then, why don't you come with me? "

   " To Silv? I"m not sure if that's the best option. If one kingdom is going to constrict magic like Vumaedal, why wouldn't the other kingdoms? "

    " I've heard Silv is different. Since they are being rebuilt, they could use some help, especially if it's magic help. I've also heard that there are couples of the same sex there that are welcomed. Many say the queen is beyond kind. "

   " But those are rumors, there's nothing been factually told. "

   " That's true, but I believe, Silv is different. It has to be. "

   " Has to be? "

   " There must be somewhere that's different, more open. After Madrathia's war, they're heading in the right direction, but the towns are still not that habitable yet; things are still being rebuilt. So Silv is the only place left. "

With a sigh, Arlutrix waved his hand, and the fire in the lamp went out, and Arlutrix shifted, moving his body to lie on the ground. Then, feeling guilty, you took one of the blankets and laid it on his body. 

   " Then, we will head to Silv in the morning, and hopefully, we can get out of Vumaedal quickly before the king's guards find me. And thank you for the blanket. 

   " I'm not the only one who needs to be warm. Have a good night, Arlutrix. "

   " Good night, my lady. "

Sleep came quickly, exhausted from the traveling and the rush of adrenaline from the wedding.

In Vumaedal's central city, Lord Isembart was sitting inside his house, drinking a glass of wine, while Eve sat across from him, her hands shakily held together in her lap. Lord Isembart took a long drink of his wine before slamming the glass down on the table, making the woman flinch.

   " Why in this green and blue world would you object at my wedding? " Lord Isembart asked, with his tone becoming dark.

   " I-I wanted to show my love for you, and I thought it was a good idea. "

   " A good idea? You just cost me so much, Eve! I was going to be married to a beautiful woman and receive her handsome dowry. I told you, what we had was a one-night thing. I don't love you. "

Eve's back straightened, and tears started to spill out of her eyes, down her cheeks, dripping on the sofa. Then, finally, she stood, with her white dress falling around her, and walked toward the door.

   " Fine! I don't need your love! " 

Eve opened the front door and ran outside, crying her eyes out while she ran through the snow. Lord Isembart watched her go before finishing his wine and walking upstairs to his room. He knew he couldn't wed you now, but his mind was focused on Arlutrix. 

   " That bastard betrayed me. How did he even do it? How did he get rid of the binding spell? "

Lord Isembart wasn't trained in magic, so he wouldn't think about looking at his comb for missing hair. Instead, the man paced around his room before sitting on his bed, holding his head in his hands.

   " The king is sending out a hunt for him; I'll see that weasel again. And when I do, I will wring his neck for destroying everything. "

Lord Isembart's fury started to create a spark within him, and every hour, the flames would grow into a burning hatred and desire to retrieve Arlutrix. Especially before he lost any more capital or any more damage was done, to his status, company, or life.

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