Chapter 24: Lord and Lady Isembart

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   " Alright, your hair looks nice, your makeup is beautiful, and the dress still fits you well! I'll grab the bouquet, and then we can start the wedding. "

Your mother ran into the church with a bright smile. You stood outside the church, waiting for it to start, seeing as you had nowhere to go. The king was attending, so knights stood outside the church, watching you. Even though it wasn't for you, they were guarding; you felt slightly pressured to stay still. It irritated you, and further, your mother upset you. When she helped you slip on the dress, she started to brag about how she picked the right dress and didn't even comment on how the dress was completely different from what she had chosen.

   " The music is playing, it's time! "

Your mother exited the church and handed you the bouquet, giving you one last glance before walking back inside. As your mother wished, you would be walking down the aisle alone without the help of your father. Your father was upset about this, but no matter how much he argued, he couldn't walk you down the aisle. Slowly the doors to the church opened; it was time.

The sound of music increased as the doors opened, and you stepped into the church, slowly walking toward the priest and your fiance. Light entered through the church windows and colored the room in light, but you couldn't be happy walking down the aisle with the lovely flowers in your hand. 

At the end of the carpet was Lord Ismebart, standing in front of the hidden priest. The only priest available was one who never showed his face around the church but was more than happy to oversee the wedding. Sitting in one of the seats to your right, you spotted Genevive and Cecilia sitting with their hands folded. They showed you sad smiles, but you couldn't show them a smile. Something Lord Isembart decided was not having the best men or ladies standing at the altar; it would only be you and him.

Your mother sat in the front, smiling as bright as the sun with her hands held together as she watched you walk down the aisle. On your fiance's side, the king sat with his wife at the front, watching you walk down the aisle. Looking around, you tried to spot Arlutrix but couldn't see him. 

At the end of the red carpet, Lord Isembart held his hand out toward you. However, instead of taking his hand, you went up the stairs and kneeled in front of the priest, waiting for the wedding to be over. Lord Isemabrt followed your actions, kneeling and showing respect to the priest as the ceremony started. 

   " We are gathered today to unite the two households of Lady Y/n and Lord Isemabrt. These two souls will forever be united--"

The priest continued with his words until it was time for the rings to be placed on your fingers. First, Lord Isembart stood, taking your hand and placing the ring on your finger. Next, you stood and returned the same gesture, putting the bigger ring on his ring finger before turning back to the priest. 

   " If anyone has any reason to oppose, this marriage, please stan--"

   " I object! "

Your eyes widened, and you turned to look into the crowd of people sitting, watching the ceremony. A petite woman with short chestnut hair stood up, raising her hand in the air. Her brown eyes were determined and focused on you. The woman wore a white dress, conflicting with yours, as she stepped out of the row and onto the red carpet.

   " I object! "

It wasn't common for a woman to object, and to say everyone was shocked, was put too simply. You didn't recognize the woman and were curious why she would object. 

   " Why do you object? " The priest asked, closing his book.

   " I object because I love Lord Bobby Isembart! "

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