Chapter 13: The Cheater

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   " Ah! What a fun ball, that was! " Lord Isembart cheered on the carriage ride home. 

   " Oh, it was, and you danced wonderfully darling! "

Beside Lord Isembart in the carriage was a woman with chestnut hair that stretched to her ears, and her brown eyes were filled with joy as she leaned against Lord Isembart in the carriage. Her dress was emerald green and fit her well. Her shoes matched the gold makeup that decorated her face, while her lips were upturned in a blissful smile. 

   " I'm glad you could come tonight, Eve. I truly have missed my time with you. "

   " Well, you have been busy with preparations. How are they coming along? "

   " They are coming. My fiance won't even sleep in the same bed as me. "

   " Oh? After all this time? It's been a couple of weeks already. " 

   " I know, and she won't even show me any joy, when I come home. "

Eve's smile turned mischievous, and a slight blush spread across her pale cheeks. Her hand placed itself on Lord Isembart's chest, between his suit and white long-sleeved shirt. The Lord turned his head to face Eve properly, with his drunken cheeks turning red.

   " Are you finding yourself, in trouble, my Lord? "

What Eve was insinuating was clear to Lord Isembart. After being touched starved by his fiance, he felt the great need to have someone close. And if it weren't going to be his soon-to-be wife, it would be someone else, as a vice. He could also use this to tell his wife a message. To say to her that he was eager and wanted to be loved by his future wife. Lord Isembart gently took Eve's hand and held it to his cheek, feeling her soft hand caress his skin. 

   " Yes, I find myself in deep trouble. Would you be free to help me? "

   " Why, certainly, who am I to deny you, Lord Isembart? "

Lord Isembart laughed, and when Arlutrix stopped the horses in front of the house, he looked up to the window where your room was. He noticed the window open but didn't see the rope dangling from it. Arlutrix opened the door for his master, but before he could ask where the lady wished to go, the pair jumped out of the carriage and went into the house. A shiver went down, Arlutrix's back, only imagining what the two were doing. He felt sorry for you. You were sick and in bad health while your fiance was going to sleep with another woman in the same house.

Arlutrix entered the house, and the noise from upstairs made him feel disgusted. Quickly, Arlutrix walked up the stairs, keeping the noise out of his mind. Then, softly, your door opened and closed without any sound coming from the door. Arlutrix intended to check on your health, but when he entered the room, his eyes widened seeing the bed empty. 

Arlutrix ran to the bed and pulled at the covers, hoping you were hidden within the sheets, but you were not. He checked the closet next, but there was no one there, except for the dress you had worn at the ball, lying on the closet floor. 

   ' The window! '

The mage ran to the window next and saw the tied rope on the middle bar between the windows. The rope stretched to the ground, dangling in the air. Arlutrix stepped back from the window, conflicted. He didn't want to possibly be punished by Lord Isembart for interrupting his fun with the lady, but he needed to know about his missing fiance, who had run off. 

After much contemplation, Arlutrix sighed and walked out of the room toward his master's. Arlutrix knocked on the door, hoping that Lord Isembart would hear him, and he was successful when the noises stopped, and Lord Isembart appeared at the door, half-naked.

   " What is it Arlutrix!? "

Lord Isembart was angry, with him, especially with how far the duo had gotten. His hair was disheveled, his clothes gone except for his trousers, and his cheeks were still a drunken red.

   " My Lord, Y/n, has run off. She is not in her room, and there is a rope hanging from her window. "

   " It can wait until the morning. Bah! If it's Y/n, it can wait until the wedding! "

Lord Isembart, still drunk, did not comprehend what Arlutrix was saying, and instead of acting, he slammed the door in Arlutrix's face. Arlutrix was shocked and stepped back from the door after it slammed. His hands balled into fists, and he stormed downstairs to the fireplace, where he entered his peaceful room, where the woman's moans wouldn't reach his ears. Arlutrix's anger towards his master was growing, but instead of showing his fury, he walked toward his desk, opened one of his spell books, and started reading through the spells.

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