Chapter 31: Fighting to Live

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In the morning, the sky remained grey instead of the shining sun, with snow lightly falling. Arlutrix had not woken up from his deep sleep, leaving you to eat the last slice of apple pie before the treat spoiled. As you ate the pie, you started to create a plan to escape the town before the rooster called. 

   ' We need to get out of here before the owner finds us in his stables. I want to get more food, but I don't think we should. We don't have that much money. And by the time the market opens, the owner will have found us. I'll have to leave without food, but maybe not without a horse. '

You looked up at the horse standing in the stall, eating the straw on the ground. Quickly, you left the booth, going toward the supplies the owner had for the horses. Borrowing a saddle, blanket, and reign, you traveled back to the horse, preparing the jenny for travel. Through the process, Arlutrix started to wake up. "

   " Y/n. . .we're in a stable? "

   " Yeah, I found a place for us while you were knocked out. We're going to be taking this horse, so we can travel faster. "

   " Alright, I'm sorry for being knocked out for so long. "

   " It's alright, but tell me, how much magic can you use, before using too much? "

   " I can use a lot, but considering I had to defend myself from that knight and keep the fire in the cave warm until the early morning, I didn't get to recharge. But I'm better now. "

   " Okay, then let's go. The owner shouldn't spot us here in his stables. "

Without another word, Arlutrix nodded. You got on the horse, holding the reigns tight in your grip, while Arlurtix opened the door to the small stall. The horse walked out of the stall and stood in the middle of the stables. Arlutrix shut the door and climbed on the horse, sitting behind you and holding your waist as you flicked the reigns. Slowly you rode the horse out of the stables. The stables were at the edge of town, with the last house to your right. The house seemed lonely as you walked past it and into the trees.

Arlutrix's hands around you kept you warm as he admitted heat to keep you both warm as you traveled through the snow. You didn't know how far the next town was or how far Silv was from your position; all you knew was that you were heading East. Leaning into Arlutrix's chest, you relaxed, feeling your shoulders, each as the tension left your body. Arlutrix noticed your exhaustion and took the reigns from your hands.

   " Try and rest, my lady. "

   " I shouldn't. We're not out of the woods yet. "

   " I know, but you look exhausted. DId you sleep at all last night? "

   " I did a little. I slept some, but then I would wake up in fear those guards were around. They want to apprehend us both, and turn us into the king. "

   " Both of us? No, it should only be me. I'm the one with magic, not you. "

   " Yes, but they think you've cast some spell, and you're controlling me like a puppet. The knight I scuffled with tried telling me that everyone back home believes I'd been kidnapped. "

   " Figures. I didn't think about how badly it would reflect on you. I knew it would degrade your status, but I didn't think it would go so far as to say I've kidnapped you and I'm controlling you. Isembart must have fed that lie to the king. "

   " And my mother probably fed into it, convincing everyone I would never run away, with a 'servant' of my fiancee. "

   " I never really liked your mother. She was always so pushy. "

   " And you're telling me this? " You said, jabbing his side a little with your elbow.

Arlutrix chuckled and leaned forward, nuzzling his nose into your neck. The tense atmosphere had broken with the funny comment and jabs at each other. You showed a small smile as Arlutrix cuddled you and rested his head on his shoulder.

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