Soon enough is was Friday and time to get ready for the show. Lanie was beyond happy and I was too. I had never been to a concert before so I was excited.

As Lanie and I got ready, we listened to
Harry's whole Fine Line album. I did my makeup and curled my hair and put it in a half up half down style. I settled on green flair pants, and a black crop top. I wore my black converse with it and topped the outfit off with some black sunglasses and a green feather boa. Definitely not my best outfit but I had no idea what to wear.

Just as I finished tying my shoes, Mia texted me that she was on her way. Lanie was still getting ready in my bathroom so I yelled to her and let her know Mia would be here in a few minutes.

"Hey Lane, Mia's gonna be here in a couple minutes!" I yelled from my closet over the loud Harry Styles coming from the bathroom.

Lanie runs out of the bathroom, "Shit. Okay, how do I look?" She said slightly panicking.

I laughed, "You look great Lane! What's the matter?" I asked seeing her shaking.

"Uhhh we're meeting, NIALL FREAKING HORAN ISA!! HOW ARE YOU SO CALM?!" She screamed.

To be honest I don't know why I was so calm about meeting Niall. I think it might have to do with the fact that Mia is famous and my bestfriend so i've met a couple of famous people before but I guess I just kinda saw him as Mia's boyfriend.

"Well I mean, I don't really know. Here just think of it this way, we're just going to a concert with Mia and her boyfriend. And we're going to have an AMAZING time!" I said laughing.

"Wow Isa, that just helped so much!" She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

I knew this was a big deal for her because not only was she going to one of her favorite artists concerts, she was going with the person she's been a fan of for years. I just hope she doesn't act crazy.

"Hey Lane, Mia's here." I said walking into her room.

She shot up immediately, "Okay, okay. Like you said, it's just Mia's boyfriend. Who also happens to be like my favorite person in the world." She said pacing back and forth.

"Okay. Come on." I said practically dragging her down the stairs. We walked out of the door and headed towards what i'm guessing was Niall's car.

Lanie was walking directly behind me not trying to be seen by Niall. I didn't understand why she was trying to do that because she was going to have to spend the next few hours with him and possibly the rest of her life.

"Hey M! You look so good!" I said sliding across the back seat.

Niall turned and looked at me, "Hi i'm Niall it's nice to finally meet you! Mia talks about you all the time." He said smirking and holding his hand out for me to shake.

"All good things I hope?" I said laughing.

He laughed, "Of course. And you must be Lanie. It's a pleasure to meet you!" He said holding his hand out for Lanie to shake.

Her mouth was on the floor and he face was bright red, "H- Hi. Umm, yeah it's uh- it's amazing- I mean- great to meet you." She said shaking.

"So Mia tells me your a fan of mine eh!" He said winking at her. Lanie practically passed out.

"How about we listen to some music?" Mia said trying not to laugh at Lanie fan girling.

"Uhh, of course!" I said trying to loosen up.

We listened to Harry and One Direction on the way to the arena. It was about an hour drive from NYC to Long Island. Niall and I talked a little bit about school and what I wanted to do. It wasn't a very exciting conversation because i'm still not sure what I want to do with my life.

When we arrived at the arena Mia wanted to take some pictures for instagram so of course we did. As much as I acted like I hated taking pictures, I actually really enjoyed it. Niall was making us laugh because he was acting like a facebook mom taking pictures of her kids.

"Alright enough pictures! We're going to miss the show!" Said Niall handing back Mia her phone.

As we made our way to our seats I noticed they were away from everyone else but I didn't question it because I figured it was because Mia and Niall were famous. I look over and saw that Lanie looked in absolute awe of the whole thing. She was so happy and that made me happy.

We were in our spots for about 20 minutes when the show finally got started. As he came on the stage I could hear Lanie screaming so loud. Even though we were so far away from him Lanie didn't care. She was in the same room as the man and that was enough for her.

I heard her screaming in my ear every 10 seconds things like, "Oh my gosh it's him!" ,"This can't be real!" and "He's so hot!". I'm surprised she didn't bust my ear drum with all of her screaming. She wasn't wrong though. He was hot. He looked really good.

The show went on and it was super fun singing and dancing. It was also good to see Lanie loosening up around Niall. Because at first she wouldn't even talk to him but now she was singing and dancing along with him. It was super nice to spend time with Mia also.

Before we knew it, the show was coming to an end. As he sang the last song I look over to see Mia and Niall hugging. He seems to make her really happy. Then I look and see Lanie who is bawling her eyes out.

"Shit, Lane are you okay?" I asked putting my arm around her.

She looks at me, "No yeah i'm fine. This song just makes me cry. And hearing it live is killing me." She laughs.

I get where she's coming from. I mean Fine Line makes me cry too. I'm not sure why though. It's such a good song. After the song was over, Harry was thanking everyone for coming and blowing kisses to everyone. It was sweet how much he really cares for his fans.

As people started to clear out of the place I noticed that Niall wasn't getting up. Finally, when the place was almost empty Niall finally got up. But when we were walking out, I saw that we were going a different way then we did coming up here. I was a little skeptical so I pulled Mia's arm and she turned around and gave me a confused look wondering why I pulled her back.

I whisper so Niall doesn't hear, "Okay am I like crazy or is you boyfriend definitely trying to murder us?".

She laughed, "No, this is the way to the dressing room silly."

I heart dropped, "The way to the what?!" I said not whispering anymore.

She furrows her brows and then gasps, "Oh shit! I forgot to tell you, we're meeting Harry!" She said excitedly.

Lanie whips he head around, "MIA! WERE DOING WHAT?!" She yells.

Niall turns around and sees that we stopped walking so he walks back to us, "What's wrong?" He asked.

I look at Mia waiting for her to explain. She sighs, "I kinda forgot to tell them we were meeting Harry after the show." She smiles.

Niall laughs, "Ohhh, don't worry ladies! He's a great guy!"

"No offense Niall but you saw how Lanie reacted when Harry was so far away from her. How do you think she's going to react when he's 2 feet from her?" I said.

Lanie elbowed me, "Okay as much as she's right, I swear i'll behave. Maybe..." She laughed.

"Well we should get going, don't wanna keep him waiting!" Niall said grabbing Mia's hand.

As we were walking I got more and more nervous. What was wrong with me? I didn't feel this way meeting Niall. Or Taylor Swift. Or Ariana Grande. Or Selena Gomez. So what the hell was wrong with me now?

I was so lost in thought I didn't see Niall knocking on a door at the end of a long hallway. I heard a muffled "Come in!" come from the other side, and Niall opened the door.

There he was. Sitting on a couch. With the biggest smile.

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