I woke up with a pounding headache. I drug myself out of bed to go get some Tylenol from my bathroom.

When I got in the bathroom I realized how horrible I looked. I had puffy under eyes, smudged mascara, and my hair was an absolute mess. Then I remembered, I kissed Harry. I was hoping maybe he forgot because he was drunk too. But, I don't know when i'm going to see him again. Hopefully not for a while. I wasn't ready to face that.

I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs to get some coffee and breakfast. I figured I was the only one up considering how plastered we all were last night so everyone was probably dead asleep. Hailee definitely wouldn't be up till at least 1 pm. Per usual.

I grabbed the bagel I made and my coffee and headed to the living room.

Just as I walked in there, he was sitting there.

He was sitting with his feet propped up on the coffee table and his arm behind his head, watching some random movie.

I froze. What was he doing here? Didn't he go home? Just as I was about to walk away, he turned and looked at me. His eyes widened as he took a deep breath and sighed.

Well I can't just walk away now. So, I made my way over to the couch and sat a fair distance away from him.

It was silent. And very awkward.

I kept my eyes on the movie and didn't dare to look at him. I was too scared.

Breaking the silence he spoke up, "So about last night,"

"I'm so sorry. I was drunk. And I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry Harry." I said finally looking at him.

He chuckled, "Hey, hey. It's okay. Really. I was drunk too. We all do stupid things when we're drunk. I mean, I did kiss you back so it wasn't all you." He said with a wink.

I laughed, "Okay good. I hope this doesn't make anything weird between us you know. I really would like to be friends." I said messing with my rings.

He smiled, "Yeah, I would like that too."

We just stared at each other when I looked back at the television.

"So," I started, "Why are you still here?" I questioned him.

"Oh I was going to tell you, I'm uh staying here for the next couple months." He said smiling.

My face dropped, "You're what?!"

"I'm going to be staying here for the next month. I sold my house In L.A. a little while ago and I told Niall I was coming to L.A. but need to rent a place and he insisted I stayed here. So, i'll be here for my break." He said looking at me.

"Well um, i'm staying here till classes start again. So I guess i'll be seeing you a lot."

"Oh really? That's great!" He smiled.

Yeah. Great.

Then it went quiet.

How was I supposed to live with Harry for months?!

Just then, Niall walked in.

"Hey guys." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Long night?" I laughed.

He laughed, "I'm never drinking again."

"Same here pal." Harry said putting his hand on Niall's shoulder.

I got up to go put my plate and cup in the sink when Hailee was in the kitchen making food.

"Wow up before 1?" I said smirking.

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