Harry jumped up from the couch and walked over to his friends.

"Hey lad! So good to see you! Great show man!" Niall said hugging his old friend.

"Thanks man! Always a please to see you!" Harry said smiling and pulling away for Niall to go hug Mia.

Mia hugged him and said, "Great show Harry! It's great to see you!".

Me and Lanie were just kind of standing awkwardly by the door and they were interacting. I could tell that Lanie was eager to talk to him but didn't want to barge in on their conversation. As I was thinking about introducing myself, Harry pulled back from Mia and looked at me and Lanie standing by the door.

"Hi i'm Harry!" He said walking over to Lanie. Lanie didn't bother shaking his hand, she went straight in for a hug.

Lanie had the biggest smile on her face, "Hi i'm Lanie! It's so great to meet you! You're show was amazing! Your amazing! I love your music! Well, I love you but-" I cut her off before she started rambling and confessing her love for him.

"Hi, I'm Isabella, it's great to meet you. Great show by the way!" I said holding out my hand for him to shake.

"It's lovely to meet you Isabella! Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed your time!" He said staring into my eyes for what felt like too long. I hadn't realized but he was still holding on to my hand, but let go seconds later because Niall pulled him away to go talk about something. I didn't think much of it because I tend to way overthink things.

I walked over to Mia and sat down next to her on the couch. Harry was sitting across from me and Lanie sat next to Harry.

When Harry was talking to Lanie he seemed truly interested in what she had to say. I could tell that all of her dreams were coming true. Niall and Mia were just having their own conversation about something, so I was just kind of sitting here. I was thinking about school when someone said my name.

"So Isabella, I heard you're still in college, what are you studying?" Asked Harry who was looking me in the eyes.

Slightly embarrassed I say, "Um, i'm studying business but i'm not really sure if I fit there. It's just not interesting to me." I said looking at my beat up shoes.

"Well, what are you interested in?" He genuinely asked.

I had thought about what I was interested in before but honestly nothing really stuck out to me.

"I told her she should do modeling." Mia buts in. I hadn't realized she was listening to our conversation.

Mia smiles and puts her arm on my shoulder, "I mean, come on look at her she's stunning!"

I could feel my face go red. I lightly elbow her and make a face.

Harry laughs, "No yeah, I think you would be a good fit there. Would you ever consider doing that? I have a few people I know who are looking for people to model." He said smiling.

He thinks I would be a good fit? Does that mean he agrees with Mia? He thinks i'm stunning?

I laugh awkwardly, "Uhm, I mean yeah. I think that would be something I'm interested in. I love taking pictures and posting on Instagram." I said shrugging.

The conversations flowed smoothly and weren't awkward. Harry was actually really funny and seemed very caring. He was asking me about school and how living in a sorority was. I really enjoyed talking to him.

We had lost track of time and realized that we had been talking for a couple of hours.

"Alright man, we should probably head home. It was great to see you. When are you free?" Asked Niall as he hugged him.

"I'll be in New York for the next week so any time."

"Okay, we'll definitely have to meet up!" Said Mia hugging her him.

Harry turned to Lanie and gave her a hug. Lanie looked like she was about to die.

Niall, Mia and Lanie started to walk out and Harry came over and hugged me, "Hey it was really great to meet you Isabella. Do you think I could get your number for um the modeling thing so you can text me if your interested?" He asked timidly.

Shocked I answered, "Uh yeah of course!" I said handing him my phone. He put his number in and texted himself so he had my number.

He hugged me one last time and said bye.

What just happened? He asked for my number? Harry Styles, asked for MY number. Wow.

As I walked over to Mia she asked what happened, and brushed it off saying he was asking me about modeling.

I didn't want to tell her he gave me his number because I knew she would flip. And Lanie would have an actual heart attack.

So I walked to the car, confused and shocked.

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