I woke up to my alarm going off. We had accidentally fallen asleep on the couch so I woke up a little uncomfortable. Lanie groaned at the sound of my alarm and Mia was still dead asleep. She can literally sleep through anything.

I headed upstairs and got ready for work. I grabbed some coffee on the way. I headed up to my office and started talking with Amanda.

The day was long and boring. I was waiting for the second they told me I could go home. After filling out some paperwork and scheduling, Amanda let me go home.

To say I was excited, was an understatement. I picked up a salad on the way home and a coffee for Lanie.

I walked in to hear people talking in the kitchen, it was Mia, Niall and Lanie.

"Hey guys." I said walking in.

I placed the coffee in front of Lanie and her eyes lit up, "Thank youuu," She smiled as she took a sip.

"Where's Harry?" I asked, noticing he wasn't in the kitchen.

"He actually just went out to the pool," Niall said, pointing to the back door.

I nodded and started to walk outside. I saw him laying on a pill chair so I went and sat down next to him.

"Hiii," I said sitting next to him.

"Hey." He smiled.

I leaned down and kissed his lips. He pulled me into a hug,

"Sorry I didn't come upstairs last night, I accidentally fell asleep on the couch." I said.

"It's okay. I actually didn't mind," He shrugged.

I looked up at him and gave him a dirty look,

"What? I actually got to sleep with covers last night and didn't have someone stealing them from me every five seconds," He taunted.

I smacked his arm playfully and rolled my eyes. He smiled and I couldn't help but crack a smile too.

I headed back inside and decided to ask if Mia and Lanie wanted to do something today,

"Do you guys wanna do something today?" I asked sitting on a barstool next to Lanie.

Lanie perked up, "Ooo! Can we go walk around the city?" She asked.

"Yeah sure. We can get some food too," Mia said.

We all went upstairs and got ready to go. I said bye to Harry and told him I would see him later and we left.

We jammed out to music and joked around. Lanie told us about drama that was going on back at home and we gossiped like middle schoolers.

We walked around and went into multiple different stores. We took Lanie to one of our favorite restaurants. We took a lot of pictures too. Lanie loves to post on Instagram.

We got our nails done and just walked around. Lanie and Mia kept bugging me about Harry. I told them what's been going on, and how amazing he is.

When we got back home, we just kind of laid around. Me, Lanie and Mia watched movies and did face masks, while Harry and Niall were at the studio.

When the boys got back, they brought us pizza. We all ate at the table and talked. After, we went into the living room and all watched a movie. I dragged myself off of the couch and walked upstairs to my room. I flopped down on my bed and Harry walked in,

"Tired?" He chuckled.

"Exhausted." I said pulling the covers over me.

Harry came over and laid down next to me. I immediately wrapped myself around him, and he started rubbing my back. I nuzzled my head into his chest and drifted off to sleep.


It had been nearly 3 weeks since Lanie had come to L.A. so she decided it was time for her to go back home. I reluctantly agreed, not wanting her to leave even though she had almost been her for a month. I drove her to the airport alone because her flight was at 6 am. So she said her goodbyes the night before. The car ride there was silent, neither of us wanted to say bye just yet. We pulled up and I parked the car. We both walked inside and as we approached her gate, I pulled her into a hug.

"Bye Lanie bug. I'm gonna miss you." I said choking back tears.

"Bye Isa. I'll miss you more." She said pulling back.

I saw that her eyes were teary and red, so I lost it. I let the tears spill from my eyes.

"I thought mom was the dramatic one," I laughed as I wiped my tears. 

"Okay, I gotta go. Love you." She said hugging me one last time.

"Love you always." I said pulling back.

I waved bye to her as she walked away. On my way back to the car, I shed a few more tears.

It wasn't typical for me to get so emotional because I lived in another state for almost 3 years, but I felt bad. I felt like I was ignoring Lanie. I finally got to go back home, and I left her to go live in L.A.

As I was driving back home, I felt a wave of tiredness come over me.

I threw my keys on the counter and slipped my shoes off. I went to the airport in what I went to bed in because I didn't care what people thought and it was really early so I didn't feel like changing.

I walked back into my room and slipped back in bed. Harry rolled over and wrapped his arm around me. I sniffled a little from crying in the car and I felt him slightly sit up,

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I turned to look at him, "Yeah, i'm fine." I slightly smiled.

"No you're not. What's wrong?" He questioned with concern in his voice.

"I- it's just," I sighed, "I feel a little bad because I was going to spend the whole summer at home with Lanie, but then I came and moved her and left her. She's kinda alone, you know? Like, my parents work all the time and it's just- I'm just overthinking."

He pulled me closer to him, "I'm sorry you feel that way. But, she's happy for you. You know she is. And she got to come visit for almost a month. You're happy and you're living your life, you shouldn't feel bad about that." He said.

He did have a point, it's not like I could monitor over Lanie her whole life. And, I was really happy here.

"Thank you H. That means a lot to me." I smiled.

He smiled back and laid back down. I put my head on chest and just as I went to sleep, I said the words that I had been wanting to say,

"I love you Harry." I said looking up at him.

A massive smile crept across his face and he looked down at me,

"I love you too, Isabella." He said before connecting our lips.

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