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I woke up to the sun shining through the windows. The sound of birds chirping in the distance.

I opened my eyes and realized, me and Harry were cuddling. I had my head on his chest, and my arms wrapped around his torso. His chin was resting on the top of my head and his arms were wrapped around me. Our legs were intertwined under the blanket we were sharing.

I felt safe. Laying here with him made me feel relaxed. I closed me eyes and felt Harry shift under me. I opened them back up and looked up to him. He opened his eyes and smiled down to me. We laid there looking at each other when we heard the front door open and close. We quickly jumped out of each others grip and I stood up to go to the kitchen.

When I walked in, I was met with Mia and Niall both standing there. I looked and Mia and gave her a slight smile, while walking to the fridge.

"Isa, you look like shit. What happened?" I heard Mia as behind me.

I sighed to myself and turned around, "Long story." I said shutting the fridge.

I then saw Harry walk in. We made eye contact for a second and then I looked down at the ground.

"What are you guys doing up so early?" He asked stretching his arms out.

"I have to go to the studio today," Niall said putting a hand on his shoulder, "Wanna come?" He smiled.

Harry rubbed his eyes, "Yeah sure."

Mia turned to me, "Mk well I really wanna go shopping so are you down? We can get lunch after and you can tell me why you look like shit."

I laughed, "You know, the reason you're my bestfriend is because you never lie to me."

She shrugged, "Hey, you know it's cause I love you."

"Yeah, just give me an hour. I'll be ready." I said walking out and up to my room.

As I was in the shower, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry and how we woke up cuddling. I'm sure it isn't that deep, but it felt more than that. But I can't think like that, I mean he's definitely with Kendall. But he was cuddling me back. I don't know, I need to take my mind off of this.

I got out of the shower and put on a white cropped tank top, ripped jean shorts and my white converse. I put on some makeup and let my hair air dry. I threw some sun glasses on my head and grabbed my purse.

I walked downstairs to see Mia standing by the door waiting for me.

We got in her car and blasted the A.C. since it was merely 90 degrees out and the sky was clear. We turned on some music, and jammed out.

We went to an outlet mall and went into a couple stores. As we were in a shop, I was looking for bathing suits while Mia was wandering around. She walked over to me and said,

"How about when we get home we get in the pool? I'll text Hailee to see if she wants to come." She said leaning on the table the bathing suits were on.

"Yeah sure. Oh! and ask if she wants to bring her new boyfriend." I say looking at a pink bikini.

She gasps, "Since when?!"

"I dunno, I think like a month?! She told me last night."

I had been looking at this pink bikini for a while when Mia says,

"Get it. It's cute. Plus you'll look hot." She shrugged.

"I don't know. I feel like it shows too much you know?" I said holding it up.

"Pff, I mean you want Harry to look at you right?" She says giggling.

I take the top and swat her with it, "I do not!" I say trying not to smile.

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